Chapter 1

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It was our 2nd year in middle school, the 1st is when I transferred over to Yagi's school. From there I also met my other best friend, well to me he's my best friend I don't know if he considers us friends or not. But either way, his name is Enji, he's got a fire personality and I don't mean that as a pun either. His actual quirk is HellFire, pretty cool if you ask me like fire creates smoke and I control smoke so it's a win-win.

Sighing I look down at my workbook, seeing that I'm not completing it any time soon I close it and put it away. My yellow eyes look up to see that Yagi was roughly erasing at his work. Holding my hand out I  release a tiny bit of smoke so the detectors don't go off, I make the smoke travel to Yagi and smirk when I see him jump and almost drop his pencil. He turns around and stares at me, smiling I retract my smoke and cross my arms. He shakes his head before returning to his work. Becoming bored once again, I look around until I spot Enji also working, but not as rough as Yagi. I know if I bother him he'll get pissy and yell, so I really shouldn't mess with him.

But who cares

Holding my hand out once again I release some smoke. I sneakily try to reach him but he stops what he's doing and looks up from his work, then shoots his glare at me. Freezing under his glare I slowly retract my smoke until it's no longer showing. Waving towards him he grunts before going back to his work. Sighing I slump in my chair and stare at my desk.

Suddenly the fire alarms and water sprinklers turn on. Which makes everyone turn to me, "Miss King! How many times have I told you to not use your quirk at school?"

"It wasn't me this time!"

Time skip

Since it was the end of the day they released us, but since they thought I set them off, again, they gave me a smack on the wrist. Then sent me home.

Walking out of the school rubbing my wrist while grumbling I don't pay attention to where I'm going. Bumping into a chest I gasp and look up, seeing Enji I smile.

"Didn't expect you to still be here"

He rolls his eyes before pushing my head back, "You're an idiot, setting off the alarms. This was the eighth time this week! And there are only five days we go to school."

I groan before walking around him, "I didn't do it this time, I stopped with my quirk after you glared at me."

Enji catches up to me and starts walking beside me, "Whatever, just be glad they don't suppress your quirk, tho I doubt it. Your quirk is pretty shitty if you ask me."

Growling I turn to smoke and float up to Enji's height, wrapping my smoky arms around his shoulders I pull him back which leads to him on the ground. Floating back to the ground I shift back and smirk once I face Enji. "Shitty? I doubt it, considering I just pulled you to the ground." He curses under his breath before jumping toward me. Gasping I try to shift but I'm too slow, falling to the ground I close my eyes waiting to hit the hard surface but when I don't I slowly open my eyes to see I'm on top of Enji. My eyes widen and my cheeks start to burn, muttering an apology I hop off his chest and turn away from him.

Staring at the ground with wide eyes I yelp when I feel a hand on my shoulder. Glancing up I tense see Enji's blushing face. "S-sorry about that Alina, didn't need you whining like a baby if you hit the ground." Sighing I shake my head before looking forward, "I-it's okay, you were just being nice. A-Anyways, I need to get home before my dad freaks." He nods and hands me my bag.

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