Chapter 43

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After sparring Aizawa's little shits, I went home with a bloody cheek, burned arms, a sticky purple ball, bleeding ears, etc etc. It was fun but now I wanna sleep.

But sadly I have a husband to deal with, if I can even call him a husband anymore.

Sliding my shoes off and dropping my keys in the bowl, I walk down the hall and into the kitchen to find Enji leaning against the counter with a water bottle in hand.

I hop onto the counter across from him and lean my head against the cabinet behind me.

"You want to explain to me who she was?"

He chugs his bottle before tossing it in the bin, "Her name is Kawa, she's a wanted villain that had fled from Australia to here, I was assigned to befriend her and eventually take her in."

Looking at the ground I take in the information, so basically I fucked up a mission. Intruded on my husbands hero work, assumed he was cheating, so basically I was in the wrong here. But I've never heard of her before, I'm a hero and would've definitely heard about her.

"And I guess I shouldn't have known about this because?"

He sighs and rubs his neck, "We didn't want her thinking we were constantly watching her, we had to make her believe we didn't know who she was."

Nodding I slide off the counter, "I'm sorry for assuming you were cheating, that was wrong of me"

He pulls me into his arms and kisses the top of my head, "It's okay, I thought we had our trust wall built pretty strong"

Sighing I nuzzle into his neck, he's not getting off the hook so easily. I know better than to just let it go. When he leaves to visit his kids I'm googling this "kawa" chick. It doesn't sound legit, I'm sure I would've heard of her since I'm the number 2 hero.

After talking through this, I send Enji off. Alone time, time to be nosy. Shifting I zoom upstairs into our room. Grabbing the laptop I land in bed and shift back. Popping the lid open I log in and go to google.

Immediately I search up this chick, some news articles come up but only about scientific awards. She won one of them for creating a drug that temporarily paralyzes people, then another one for developing a drug that makes physical quirks shut down, so like Hawks, his wings wouldn't flap or that blue haired kid from at UA, his engines would stall.

I noticed a pattern, the drugs she's created stop quirks, but only temporarily. Why would Australia reward her for these? These drugs could cause a ton of trouble, and if these drugs get in the wrong hand something bad is going to happen. All for One is already locked up, but is she the next person to start taking quirks? Or erasing them? No, Chisaki had done that, but Eri is already taken away from him.

This is all frustrating, I need to put a report in about this. I can't let anymore people like All for one or Chisaki rise again.

"Shigaraki said you'd probably look into that since Kawa was taken in"

Gasping I shift disappearing from whoever was in my room. Flying up I look at my closet and see Dabi leaning the wall.

"C'mon alina, let's not play hide n seek, I just wanna talk"

Clenching my teeth I move under the bed grabbing the knives we keep there. Phasing through the bed I face the closet but don't see Dabi. Looking around I move into the hallway but stop when I see Isamu's door open. He's not here luckily but he doesn't need to be in there.

Seeing Dabi grab a picture of Isamu and his siblings (Enji's kids) I land behind him. I hold the blade up and shift back, "There's nothing to talk about, you need to leave"

He chuckles and places the picture back, "You married an abusive piece of shit you know?"

"That was in the past, yes it was a very toxic household I knew that, he knows his mistakes and is trying to fix them." I scoff out.

He glances at me, "He may be trying but that doesn't mean it was okay to do what he did"

I grip the handle turning my knuckles white, "Everyone fucks up in life, including me, you, him, everyone. Just because he fucked your up life doesn't mean you can fuck his all up"

His turquoise eyes widen, "How do you know that?"

I smirk, "It wasn't hard to figure out, you have the same eyes, quirk, personality, I know a todoroki when I see one."

He smirks and leaps at me, stepping back I dodge his hand. Grabbing his elbow I twist it onto his back, he slams on the grab. I follow behind and kneel on his hand, with my left foot I stomp on his left hand.

"You bitch!"

I dig my foot deeper into his hand, "You aren't wrong"


GrowlingI lean back until my head touches the ground narrowly dodging the knife. Seeing blondie I grab her ankle and drag her towards me. She yelps and tries stabbing me but I shift making her knife go through me. Shifting back I lean back up and elbow her in the nose. I pinch Dabi's pressure point then jumping off of him barely dodging her knife. Shifting I get behind her then shift and put her in a choke hold. She chokes and swings her arms around, her knife scraps my thigh.

Groaning I kick her feet from underneath her and kneel her into the ground.


How many people did they fucking bring?

Another guy comes running in, huffing I slam her head into the ground knocking her out. The twice dude jumps at me with duplicates of Dabi following behind.

I can't fight them alone, I'll definitely be taken down. The Dabi duo come at me from two sides, while twice comes at me from the front. When the dabi's get closer I shift making the two hit each other with their fire. They both disappear, licking my lips I leap at twice and shift in front of him. He swings and hits me in the eye, I yelp and jump back. Sorry Isamu but your room is gonna be very messy.

Touching my eye I lift my hand to see blood, he made it bleed? Impressive.

"You hurt toga?!"

"You need to die!"

He leaps at me and before I could shift a hot hand is placed on my neck. Twice lands a punch on my eye again making me grunt and shut my bleeding eye.

"Such a pain in the ass you are"

"It's what I do best"

He clenches my neck and pulls me to his chest, "Twice grab toga, we're leaving"

The man nods and slings toga over his shoulder, he jerks me forward. Growling I grab my sweater I had changed into and rip a piece off. Dropping the shred I growl when Dabi clenches my neck again.

I look at the picture Dabi picked up earlier before I'm pushed into a portal.

Enji...Isamu... I'll be home soon, I love you.

-Wassup turds

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