Chapter 14

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I drive up to the security gate waiting for the guard to step out.



The man looks up from his clipboard, "Vapor! You're actually here! Holy shit!"

I nod, "Yes, now may you please let me in? I've got something very serious to handle."

He stutters before opening the gate, "Have a good day!"

I smile at him before driving in and to Kin's house. I pull next to her gate and push the little button.



The speaker buzzed before the gates opened, I hum and drive up to her driveway. Putting my car in park I grab the copy of Alina's paper and get out. I close the door and walk up to the door, I raise my hand to knock but it opens before I could.


I scoff, "Kin"

She crossed her arms, "What are you doing here?"

I raise the papers, "Legal shit, you've been sticking your nose where it shouldn't be. And I'm getting pretty tired of it."

She laughs and tries to take it out of my hand but I turn it into mist.

With my quirk, I can move around between water particles, I can also make non-living objects into mist in order for me to control them. But for fighting I mostly use combat.

"Hand the papers over Yuudai technically I have the rights to Alina now so you're breaking the law"

I shake my head, "No, I didn't have to pay anyone anything to put my name on her paper. I took the legal way"

She laughs and flips her hair over her shoulder, "Does it look like that matters to me? My husband is the second richest in Japan, we'll get away with anything we want."

I sigh, "Then you're breaking federal laws, paying government officials is fifty-plus years in federal prison. You've got two choices, the easy one is where you give up without any trouble."

I cross my arms, "And the second is I call my colleagues to have you arrested. You're violating my daughters and a Pro hero's personal life and space."

She smirks and leans against the door, "Awww you wouldn't call anyone on me, especially since I've got something you want~"

She pulls down her dress a little and shows off her cleavage. I roll my eyes, "I don't want your plastic-filled tits." She laughs and starts slowly lifting her dress from the bottom until she reaches her stockings underneath. "You know you want me~ I can make you feel good, just like how I used to~ So come to momma"

I scoff and push my phone button letting my colleagues know I need them. "Your manipulation skills suck ass, I can already tell your drug addict husband has been filling you up with drugs from all over. So I don't need my dick to be infected with whatever you got."

She scoffs and drags her fingers down my arms and backs up, "Don't be like that~ I just want to feel you again, if you know what I mean~"

I shake my head before glancing behind my shoulder, seeing my colleagues I smirk and turn back to Kin. "Hate to say it but it's time for you to go bye-bye."


I roughly turned her around and pull both arms behind her back, "You're under arrest for paying government officials and violating personal space without consent. Everything you say will be used against you in a court of law."

I put on quirk canceling cuffs and yank her off the wall. I turn around and come face to face with another hero, Number 3 in fact.


She nods, "Vapor"

"Who called you in?"

She sighs but waves to follow her down the steps, "I wasn't, I came on my own." I hum and hand off Kin to one of my sidekicks.

"Make sure no one who isn't involved in this case doesn't get anywhere near her, Am I clear?"

My sidekicks, even though some aren't close to me yell a yes sir.

"Don't you have nice control over your sidekicks, most heroes can't do that."

I chuckle and look down at Akuma, "I suppose I do, now that you're here, I have a feeling you have something to ask me."

She tenses up before laughing, "Ha I just wanted to see you, is that so bad?"

I sigh before checking my watch, "Not bad at all, I have to get going. Don't want my daughter worrying."

I laugh, "I will, have a good night and get home safely."

She nods before patting my shoulders and pulling her wings out.

"I'm named Akuma for a reason hun, no one will mess with me."

She winks before shooting up and away with a whistling sound following.

I smile before shaking my head and walking to my car so I can head home.

Time skipty
Alina POV

I was catching up on class work when the door opened. I lay down my stuff and shift, I float into the living room to see Dad pull off his boots. I smile and shift back then jump on his back making us both fall to the ground.

Giggling I sit up and rub my head, "Sorry, guess I got excited seeing you home."

Dad smiles before patting my head, "How ya feeling kiddo?"

I smile, "A little better, my fever broke but I still have a runny nose."

He smiles and moves his hand to my cheek, I lean into it. "I'm glad you're feeling better."

I nod, "How'd the whole thing go?"

He smiles and puts his other hand on my other cheek and pushes them together. "She's not a problem anymore, I'm going in tomorrow to talk about her case."

My eyes widen, "S-so we don't have to deal with her anymore?"

Dad shakes his head. I smile and jump off the ground and start shifting throughout the apartment before I finally stop back in front of dad.

"We can stay!"

Edited 6/20/22

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