Chapter 35

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"I can't see anything!"

"Well no kidding Fuyumi! There's smoke everywhere!"

"Maybe Dads smoke from earlier filled in while we were meeting miss alina


A new voice, "No, it's miss alina's quirk"

I smirk and push the smoke back letting the three finally see.

"I suppose shoto shows more than I expected, he'll be a good hero one day"

Enji hums before sighing, "He will be once he stops being so defiant."

I roll my eyes, "He's a kid, let him have his freedoms."

A sharp kick on my stomach makes me stumble back and grasp my belly. I gasp and rub it gently to soothe my angry kid.

"Are you alright? Do you need to sit down?"

Enji puts a hand on my lower back and helps me to the couch. Snapping my fingers the smoke disappears.

"I didn't know you were pregnant miss alina!"

I smile and rub my belly, "Yes I've been pregnant for four months now"

"Is it our dads?"

I choke on my spit, "Uh no, it's my ex-husbands."

They hum before they slowly say goodbyes and disperse.

Sighing I close my eyes, "Such a busy day, I'm ready for a nap"

He chuckles before picking me up, "Then let's get you to bed before you get grumpy"

"I'm not gonna get grumpy." I mumble

He scoffs before placing me on his bed, "Yeah okay, whatever helps your pregnancy hormones."

Time skipty

I shoot up out of my sleep with sweat dripping down my face.

I hold a hand to my belly and rub it gently, "what the fuck"

I wipe off the sweat, I gaze out the window and see that it's dark out. Sighing I shuffle my legs over the edge and stand up. The door creaks open and in walks Enji. I smile, "I took a pretty long nap"

He chuckles and grabs my hand, "C'mon let's get you something to eat. Then a shower"

I tug his hand back stopping him from leading me out the door, "I'm not hungry"

He narrows his eyes at me, "Mhm" He steps closer to me until my belly is touching waist. He's that tall. Anyways, he grabs my chin, "You need to eat, you have a living thing in you."

I smirk and look away knowing he hates that, "I'm not in the mood to eat at the moment"

He tightens his grip on my chin, "Look at me alina"

When I don't look at him he scoffs, "If you weren't carrying a child I would've punished you alina.But I guess that punishment will have to wait"

I unknowingly gasp and look back to him, "Y-you can't say things like that Enji!"

He smirks and leans down to my ear, "I do what I want, I get what I want, whenever I want, remember that" He licks my neck before backing up. I hold my neck where he licked.

Clearing my throat I look out the window trying to avoid his eyes. I was only staring out the window for a few seconds before I gave in and looked to him. He smirked, "Despite you gone and loss of communication, you still listen to me."

I huff, "I can't help it, something in me tells me to even if I don't want to."

He hums before gently grabbing my hand and pulling me into him. He places his hand under my thighs and picks me up. Wrapping my legs around his waist I play with his fingers before placing his hand on my belly.

My head is pushed up, "You know I hate it when you don't look at me."

He gazes down to my lips before looking back to my eyes. He leans in a little but stops, I sigh and was gonna shift to get out of his arms but he grabs my face and pushes his lips on mine. It wasn't a hungry kiss it was a passionate one.

I smile and kiss back, it was slow and full of...well love. He walks to the bed and lays me down. He breaks away and starts kissing my neck until he reaches my collarbone where he bites it. Gasping I lean my head back letting him have more to kiss and bite on. He growls and sucks on the crook of my neck.

A kick in my belly makes me gasp and push Enji's head away. I cry out and hold my stomach.

"Alina, what's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

The pain worsens, I rip my shirt off and check my stomach for any injury.

"Alina c'mon we're going to the hospital"

Enji picks me up and rushes out the house and into his car. I lean the seat back and hold my belly.

"They're too early, alina have you done any smoking? Drinking?"

I groan and clench the door, "No! I haven't done anything to harm them"

The pain worsens and I scream, "Hurry the fuck up!" Enji speeds up and we reach the hospital, he rushes out of the drivers side over to mine. He picks me up and runs into the hospital.

"Somebody help!"

Nurses come rushing out and make Enji place me on a gurney. I'm hooked up to a heart monitor and IV is being pushed through my veins. Enji grasps my hand and runs alongside the gurney.

"It's gonna be okay Alina"

He kisses my hand, "Sir we need you to go wait"

I growl and glare at the nurse, "He is staying, you force him out I will personally-" my mouth is covered.

They roll me into a room, Enji's hand is taken off. I look to him, "Enji, I'm scared"

He kisses my lips then my forehead, "It'll be alright, I promise."

Scorched ~Endeavor~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora