Chapter 45

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"I'm sure Endeavor wouldn't mind another fucked up wife"

I roll onto my side spitting out blood on the ground, my puffed up eyes flutter close. But before I could pass out I'm picked up and shoved against the wall again. My head drops to the side, I am exhausted, I've been kept up for how long I've been here.

"Cat got your tongue? You finally shut the fuck up"

He slams me against the wall making me cough up blood. It drips down my mouth and onto my clothes. Where is Enji? Was he coming?

"This is truly a sight to see, I'm not into older women but god damn you look hot as fuck with your blood dripping down your face"

Scoffing I pick my head up glaring at him, "Y-you will never get inside me"

He smirks and wraps his hand around my neck, "With the conditions your in you won't be able to fight against me"

I weakly grab his hand trying to pull it off but it's no use, I'm tired, I'm beaten, I'm hungry. I have zero energy to fight this prick.

"Dabi drop the girl, I'm tired of hearing her cry"

Before I could pass out I'm dropped, gasping I hold my neck. I slide away from him and watch him complain to Shigaraki. For once I thank him, if he didn't stop Dabi I would've been raped.

"You have to leave anyways, your nomu is causing mayhem and you need to go get it, so bring her with you"

Toga drops next to me and holds her knife close to my face.

"I really want to make you bleed! Dabi had all his fun but now I'm gonna have mine!!"

She laughs and grabs my neck, groaning I close my eyes preparing myself for her attack. I feel her knife starting to slice above my eyebrow but then it disappears. I open my eyes to see Twice had pulled her off, how far did she go?

"Alright let's get outta here"

I'm tossed over Dabi's shoulder suddenly, yay time to leave this shit hole. Looking up I glare at the villains before he walks through a portal.

Utter chaos surrounds us, fires, buildings destroyed, people screaming. What the hell happened here? I've only been gone a day right?

"You hear that Alina? My nomu caused this, I hear Endeavor is here, I sure hope so"

My head drops, I can barely keep my head up, I wasn't gone that long but damn I am tired.


Dabi scoffs and grabs me from my neck and holds me up.

"Were you looking for something? Was is it her?"

He grips my neck making me kick my legs trying to get away. My tears and blood mix falling onto the ground. His grip tightens and I feel his hand start warming up. My eyes widen, crying I grab his hand trying to get away before he uses his quirk.

"You've caused my life to be hell, it's your turn Enji!"

My neck starts to burn and I can smell my skin burning. It's not my time, I can't leave, I want to live! I want to see Isamu grow up! I want to see Enji be accepted by his kids!

I see Enji sitting in front of me with a huge gash on his face. Man he was fucked up. He shakes his head in denial before stumbling up. With tears falling down my cheeks I smile.

"I love you Enji"

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