Chapter 5

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Soon after I passed through the line, a horn was heard.

"And that's a wrap! Anyone who is injured or thinks they have one please make your way to the medical tents."

I groan and move onto my stomach then to my knees, "I need food" I stand up and start walking towards the tents where I'm seen by Recovery Girl.

"It seems you ran into Toxin am I right?"

"Yes ma'am"

She nods and cleans up the wound before kissing my forehead. "You should be fine, now go take your written part, and when you get home you need to rest and make sure your wound is clean."

I nod and slide off the bed, "Yes ma'am, have a good day!"

Time skipty

I was walking out of the school when I feel someone tap my shoulder. Looking behind me I smile when I see Aizawa and some blonde kid.

"Was this the rockin chick you were talking about?!"

My eyes widen and a blush covers my face, "W-what?"

Aizawa smacks the kid's head, "I didn't describe her that way, but yes."

The blonde rubs his head before holding a hand out, "The name is Yamada Hizashi, and you are?"

I shake his hand, "It's Alina King"

Yamada's face lights up before he grabs both of my hands, "Woah! You're the daughter of the pro hero Vapor! That's so rad!" I chuckle before pulling my hands back. "I guess, um anyways I have to get going, it was nice meeting you two! And I hope we'll be classmates." Waving bye I sigh from exhaustion.

Since dad wasn't in town, that means I don't have to cook dinner. But I should eat, so I look around and smile when I see a ramen stand. Pulling some cash out I order what I want and take them to-go bowl with me.

Walking down the sidewalk I finish up the ramen and throw away the bowl. Walking up the stairs to our apartment I get my keys out and walk into my humble abode, which smells like rice.

Dropping my stuff in my room, I get some clothes and hop in the shower.

Time skipty

It was the last week of school before we were officially high schoolers. But let me tell you something even more exciting, I got into U freaking A! I passed the written part with flying colors as I expected. But with the physical part, I got second place, the first went to some kid with a loud quirk. Besides him, I got in the top class. When I told dad, he bolted out the apartment door shifting between the air and yelling throughout the neighborhood screaming I got into U.A.

Everyone who heard came out and congratulated me, but I don't like attention so it was kinda awkward.

"Can Alina King please come to the front office?"

I groan and close my book before standing up with my bag in hand. I walk out of class and towards the front office where my dad is waiting. He smiles and walks up to me, "Heya kiddo"

I nod to him, "What's up?"

He turns to my principal, "I'm taking her out for the remaining of the year, is that alright?"

The principal smiles and nods, "Of course, anything for the number five hero." She says while batting
her eyelashes. I scoff before leaning against the counter while the two talks. Sooner or later they finish up, "Finally!" Walking out the school doors I stop when I see a black SUV. "What's up with this? Am I being kidnapped?"

Dad laughs before moving in front of me, "No I'm not exactly kidnapping you." I raise an eyebrow and watch him open the door. I slide in and drop my bag on the floorboard. He slides in after me and tells the driver something.

"Where are we going?"

"I'm not going, I'm dropping you off somewhere."

I huff then cross my arms, "Whatever"

The car ride was about 30 minutes before we pulled on a dirt road leading to a lodge. I roll down the window and stick my head out, breathing in the freshness I enjoy the moment.

The car pulls into the driveway and I immediately hop out. Mumbling a "Woah" I twirl in a small circle to look at the trees surrounding us.

"C'mon Alina, let's drop your stuff off."

I snap out of my haze and grab my school bag then follow dad into the house. Laying my bag on the kitchen counter I open the fridge to find a ton of food. "Woah!"

My forehead is flicked before I've moved away from the fridge, "No no, you have to wait." I groan before rubbing into the living room and jumping on the couch. "Okay Alina,listen up, I need you to remain ca-"

The doorbell interrupts dads speech, he sighs before holding a finger up. I shrug my shoulders and lay back down, I hear the door open and two sets of feet enter. "Ahh it's nice to see you two, you've guys gotten taller haven't ya?"

I hear a deep laugh, "Ha I guess your right Mr.King"

I get up from the couch and peer around the corner to see who was at the door. My eyes widen when I see burgundy and blonde hair.

"Is Alina here?"

I move away from the corner and put a hand on my racing heart. "Holy shit" The door closes and three loud feet are heading towards the living room. When I'm happy or nervous my body consciously shifts on its own, much like dad who does the same thing. So when I saw the two my body starts shifting and makes it look like I'm glitching. I calm my breathing before I jump on the couch to make it seem like I didn't move.

"Alina~I have some people you'd probably like to see!"

I sit up and rub my eyes before meeting the gaze of Yagi and Enji. They've grown, Yagi had gotten taller, and his dull blue eyes are now bright and full of life. His hair looks way healthier and I can tell he's gotten stronger. Enji, he's also gotten taller, he grew out some muscle. My eyes widen seeing them side by side, my two best friends who were once shorter than I are now giants. My body shifts and they look worried and look at dad. "It's okay, her body shifts when she's nervous or overly excited"

When I shift back I'm in front of them, then next to them, then behind them. I then finally stop my shifts back in front of them.


Tears fill my eyes before I tackle the two in a hug. "A-Alina"

I tighten my hold on the two and continue my silent crying. I don't know how long I was crying but when I was done my dad wasn't there anymore, I'm guessing he went on patrol. I wipe my nose and look at the two with a small smile.

"Man, you don't know how much I'm pissed at you two."

Yagi sighs and rubs the back of his neck, "I- uh I had gone training with my new sensei up north."

Sighing I pat his shoulder, "It's okay, I'm over it now" he sighs in relief and pulls me into a tight hug. Wrapping my arms around his neck I smile when he lifts me and twirls me in a circle.

I'm let go but pulled into another hug by Enji, he does the same thing before he lets me go. I step back and place my hands on my hips. "Now that we've seen each other again, let's spar!"

Yagi shakes his head, "I'd rather not, I was in the car all day."

Enji scoffs before nodding, "Why not short stuff, not like you're gonna win anyway"

I narrow my eyes at him, "Wanna bet on that?"

Edited 6/20/22

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