Chapter 7

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For the last couple of days, we were at the cabin the tension had gone down but it was still there. I mean, I want to know what happened but they just won't tell me. I also understand the boundaries they have, so I wasn't gonna push them.

"Okay, it's time to head the fuck out, so get your ass in gear, and let's roll!"

I grab my bag from the couch and march out of the cabin. I stop by the SUV that was sent and turn around to wait for Enji and Yagi.

Enji POV

I smirk when I hear that Alina told us to get our asses in gear but it drops when I see Yagi smiling. He seems to notice and glares at me.

"She's mine Todoroki"

I roll my eyes and cross my arms, "I don't think so, it's obvious you're like a brother to her."

His fingers twitch but he crosses his arms too, "Fine then, why don't we make a deal?"

I narrow my eyes at him, "And what's the deal?"

"Well, one of us will spend more time with her than the other. And whoever she chooses at the end is obviously the winner and gets to keep her."

I rub my chin, "How long? A month?"

He shakes his head, "It'll take longer than that, how bout to finals? That should give us and her time, I'd like to make it fair on our and her part."

I look at the ground in thought, "So how long will the other person hang around here long?"

He shrugs, "Maybe a week, then the next we switch."

I sigh and hold a hand out, "You break this deal I'll break you, am I clear?"

Yagi grabs my hand and shakes it kind of rough, "Crystal"

I drop him when I hear footsteps behind us, "Will you two hurry up! I've got shit to do when we get back to town!" I smirk at Yagi before turning around, grabbing Alina, and throwing her over her my shoulder. "Stop whining you, big baby!" I put one hand on her thighs and the other in my pocket. "H-hey! Put me down this instant!" I shake my head before gently or trying to be gentle tossing her into the SUV. She laughs but stops and playfully glares at me. "That wasn't cool Enji! I could've gotten hurt and it would've been your fault!"

I roll my eyes and hop in next to her, "Two things, one you're training to be a hero so you'd have to save yourself." I turn to her and move next to her ear, "And two, I wouldn't let you get hurt if I'm anywhere near you, got that?"

Alina POV

Enji hops in next to me and looks to the front, "Two things, one you're training to be a hero so you'd have to save yourself." He then turns to me and leans down to my ear. "And two, I wouldn't let you get hurt if I'm anywhere near you, got that?" His warm breath on my neck causes shivers to run through my body. "Got that Alina? Or do you need more reassurance?"

I shake my head, "N-no, I'm good, I un-understand." He nods and sits back, "Good"

Time skipty

We made it back to town and to our surprise, it was pouring. Usually, I'm all about rain but I guess I wasn't in the mood.

"See ya later dorks"

Ruffling Enji and Yagi's hair I hop out of the SUV and skip up to my apartment. Pulling my keys out I move to unlock my door but freeze when I hear unfamiliar voices behind the door.

"Mr.Vapor, we'll be here next month for the next check-up, but remember if you fail to meet the requirements she'll be moving in with her mother."

I step back from the door, I quickly shake my head before shifting. Floating through the door I sigh when I see dad signing some papers. I move next to him before shifting back. The two men beside him flinch and put a hand on their holsters. I glare at the two, "Well isn't that reassuring" Dad gives the guys the papers before wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "I think I meet the requirements, I always do, so keep this in mind you two."

Dad shifts and then shifts back but behind the two with a hand on each shoulder. "I will never let my dear Alina go to that disgrace of a woman." The two men's faces fill with shock before becoming neutral again.

"Umm...we'll be going now, have a good evening!"

The two grab their shit and quickly walked out of our apartment. I smile before shaking my head, "They need to understand that you won the court case to have custody over me, so that woman needs to chill." Dad sighs before nodding, "I don't understand her problem, she left but I guess she got intel of you entering the hero course."

"I don't really care, she left us for a snobby drug addict who has some cash. Personally, I like living with you better."

Dad chuckles before pulling me into a hug, "We'll be alright, let's just get you ready for school in a couple, right?"

I nod, "Yep, I'm ready to show this fuckers whose boss!"

Dad chuckles before letting me go, "Alright you sailor, go get some rest, you have school starting soon!"

Edited 6/20/22

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