Chapter 31

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3 years later

It's been 2 years since I left Japan, I moved back to England with my fiancée Elijah. I thought I would find my happiness and love with him but I didn't. I was going to surprise him with something but I walked in on him with my a friend. She was on top of him with his dick already in her. I scoff and throw the positive pregnancy test and ring on the bed.

"Enjoy the STD's Elijah."

I grab my important items and transfer to the closest  smoke. I plop down on the edge and pull out my phone, I book a flight back to Japan.

Next day

I landed in Japan and immediately went to dads house. Once I walk in I'm engulfed in a tight hug, "Be-"

"I know, careful with the little one"

I pull out of the hug from Ena, "How?"

She laughs and guides me to the backyard, "My quirk, I can sense heat signatures. And you missy have got one in that belly"

I sigh but quickly smile when I see dad lifting weights. "Alina?"He drops the weights and runs to me tackling me to the ground. Groaning I hug him back and start crying.

"I'm so sorry, I thought I was with the right guy, my life is so fucked up!"

Dad sits up and pulls me with him, "Everything's gonna be okay, especially since you've got a baby on the way"

I raise my hands, "Oh my god! I wanted to tell you not you figure it out yourself!"

He laughs and picks me up, "I know my daughter very well to know what's up with her"

"Hardy har, now how much can you lift, bet I can lift more"

2 months later

I was out clothes shopping when suddenly the power goes out. I protectively place a hand on my tiny baby bump, then the screaming came. I know in situations like this letting my emotions take over will hurt the baby. So I quickly grab my purse and leave my cart, "It's okay baby, momma won't let anyone hurt you"

I go into the dressing rooms and quickly find a place to hide. I sit down on the chair before closing my eyes and creating transfer lines. I have three lines, I see an exit but there's a man there. Checking the other lines I see a perfect exit to where ambulances are placed. The mother in me wants to go the perfect way, but the hero in me wants to go where the man is.

Getting out of the lines I open my purse and put on my hero mask. I rub my belly, "It's okay, I'm gonna get us outta here"

Huffing I grab my purse, I create a transfer line to the exit and transfer through it. I show up near the ambulances and sigh.


I look over and see Enji or better yet as Endeavor walking towards me. I hand my purse to the policeman and take off my blouse so I'm in a tank top and jeans. "Put those somewhere safe please and thank you"

They nod and run off, I turn to Endeavor and he hands me a folder. "Have you guys caught the villain?"

He grunts, "No we just know he's inside where you just came."

"I should've gone to him"

Opening the folder I see the new information that they have gathered in such short notice. My yellow eyes scan over the information, seeing the mans description I quickly close the folder and hold a hand over my mouth.

The man, the one I thought I killed 13 years ago. He's back.


"I'm fine Endeavor, don't worry about me"

He huffs before nodding and running ahead, I sigh and follow behind. I weave throughout the crowd, I'm not as intimidating at Enji is so he has no problem getting through. Groaning I shift and shoot over the crowds to where Enji is and where has stopped. I land next to him and wipe a tiny bead of sweat off my eyebrow.

"Somethings off about you"

I wave him off, "You aren't my friend so quit"

The building in front of us starts cracking. Holding my hands up I try to keep it up hold but I have gotten weaker since I became pregnant. When I'm told there isn't anyone in the building I drop my hands.

The dust shoots up and so does a man, the man from a long time ago. Gasping I hold my arms up waiting for something to hit. Instead heat emits from next to me, huffing I jump over the barrier and gather Enji's smoke in my hands.

I've always loved controlling Enji's smoke, it was so warm and inviting.

Unlike some other people who have a fire quirk or they somehow make smoke with their quirk. It wasn't like Enji's.

The man stands up from the ground holding his head, it's bleeding. Smirking I grab the knife from my bra and shoot it in the mans shoulder. I land on the ground with head down but I look up. Our eyes meet and I momentarily freeze but I huff and shoot towards him. He holds his arms up to block but grab ahold of his wrists and pull them down, with my other hand I grab his neck. Lifting him off the ground I slam him back and hear a sickening crack.

The man gets an arm free and manages to punch my gut. I stumble out of his way and hold my stomach, I lift my shirt and see a huge bruise forming. My pupils dilate a bit making my vision blurry.


The man starts cackling and holding his bleeding shoulder, "I knew it, you have or should I say had a child in there"

I fall on my knees, "'s not true...they're still alive"

He cackles again and manages to sit up, "When I punched you, I hit it with certain force so on contact the child died immediately. There's nothing you can do about it"

I hold my belly and rub it gently, "Liar" I wobble standing up, "You just want me to fail"

Gritting my teeth I gather smoke and harden it, it's not ragged anymore. It's just like a blade. Instead of wanting to kill the man I smother him in the smoke. In my smoke I dislocate his legs and hands, just in case he wants to try anything. I move him to the police and drop him not caring if he screamed in pain. I drop to the ground again and rub my belly, though it's small I still care very much.

Paramedics surround me and immediately start examining me.

"Just make sure my baby is there okay?"

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