Chapter 49

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"You're my light,  you're my everything, I don't want to lose you again"

Alina smiles and rubs her nose with mine, "I'm not going anywhere"

The tears I've held in finally drop, the stress I've had all come out. It was hard, there were so many times I wanted to give up, to just leave everything, but I couldn't. I had Isamu there, he pushed me to be better, to get my shit together so we can both live normal.

"Oh Enji, please don't cry, I'm here okay? I'm not going anywhere"

I pull her off the ground and hold her to my height, she smiles and caresses my cheek wiping the tears.

"Let's go home"

Nodding I place her on the ground but not before smothering her faces with kisses. She laughs and wraps her small arms around my waist after I was done. I run my hair through her hair to see her reaction, she hums and closes her eyes.

Suddenly we shift and instead of the nice beautiful lake, we're at my agency.

"I don't know if you guys moved, this is the only place I remember"

"We did move, we're not that far, but I do have a few calls to make"

She Hmphs, "Ohhh c'mon! There's no time for hero work!"

I sit down and beckon her over, when she doesn't move from beside me I pull her onto my lap. She blushes and looks away, "Whatever"

Chuckling I grab the office phone and call Eraser, hopefully he's not too busy.

"What do you want? Are you drunk again?!!"

"No, are you busy?"


"Just answer the fucking question"

"I'm with Yamada and Nemuri"

"Good, I'm comin over"

"What? Why? You never hang with us so why now?"

"You ask too many questions, I'll be there in five"

Hanging up I place the phone back, "Okay no more hero work"

"Where are we?"

I rub her back, "A lot of new buildings were built when you weren't here"


Sighing I knock on the door and step back to grab her hand, "Don't freak okay?"

The door opens showing a pissed off looking Aizawa. Though it drops when his eyes move down next me.



She's pulled away from my side and into his arms, she's shocked but wraps her arms around him.


It's Aizawa, it's really Aizawa, I'm really seeing him. And gosh I missed him, even though he was a pain I missed him.

"Gosh you fucking- I don't even know where to start"

He kisses my head before pulling back, with tears rolling down our cheeks we hug each other again. I missed him just as I missed my husband and child.

"I have so many questions, you've got some fucking explaining to do"

Smiling I rub my tears, "Of course"

We head in and I have another crying moment with Yamada and Nemuri. Of course Yamada bout busted my eardrums but I still missed him. Nemuri cried and wouldn't let me go. Overall it was messy but heartwarming. I missed them terribly.

After explaining, through detail since Aizawa wanted to know everything. We sadly had to go, it was close to 8 in the morning when we left Aizawa's house. But we still had to go somewhere else. And this will take much longer. I don't mind, I haven't been in the really world in forever.


I look past Enji and into the backyard, where Ena and dad were. Then isamu. My little baby, who's not so little anymore. He's so tall now. And got meat on his bones.

Ena seems to notice me first, she does have a demon quirk so I'm not surprised she sensed me first.

"Alina? Is that really you?"

Enji moves and I step up with a small sad smile. Here come the waterworks. Nodding slowly I walk towards them.

But before they could hug me Isamu had tackled me, he must not remember me. Aww fuck I hadn't hope to kick my kids ass.

"M-mom? Is it really you?"


I ruffle his red hair before grabbing his chin and moving his face from my neck. His yellow eyes are misty and his bottom lip is trembling. Gosh he looks just like Enji. Smiling I rub my thumb across his cheek.

"Hi baby, I'm home"

He smiles and jumps on me again, crying I wrap my arms around him and cry into his shoulder. I missed my baby so much, I didn't get to watch him grow up. He was so tiny when I last saw him, he was a fireball but now he's softened up.

"I'm home now"

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