Chapter 32

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I didn't pass out, I was tired and fell asleep, even though I was told not to do that.

I woke up in the hospital and I immediately lift the blanket and gown to see my belly. It's still bruised.

"Oh good you're awake"

Looking up I see the doctor and is about to ask but she beats me to it.

"It's okay, you and the baby are fine"

I release a sob and lay back down.

"You have a visitor Ms. King"I nod and begin cleaning my face the best I can. Once I'm somewhat better I let the nurse know they can let whoever wants to see me in.

Wiping my nose I pull the blanket up to my chest. The door slides open and in walks the one and only Enji.

He sits in the chair next to the bed, "How're you feelin?"

I lay my head back and close my eyes, "Sore, hungry ass hell tho"

He chuckles, "And your little one?"

I rub my stomach and smile, "They're fine, I'm their mother so I know their gonna keep kicking ass"

Huffing I open my eyes with new tears gathered, "But...I'm scared, I'm going to raise this kid by myself, no dad."

"Where's he at?"

I scoff and look away, "Somewhere in England fucking whores"

Sighing I sit up but groan when there's a sharp pain on my hip. Hissing I slide the blanket off and see red start staining the sheets. My eyes widen and I slide up the gown and see a huge gash had opened up.


I push the nurse button and immediately someone comes in but quickly leaves when they see my hip.
A few nurses and a doctor come in, "Okay, clearly whoever stitched me up did a shitty job."

Enji chuckles but clears his throat once I glared at him.

Time skipty

After my little incident, Enji and I were left alone once again. I was rubbing my non-existent baby bump while looking out the window.

It was a nice sunny day despite what had happened.


"Hmm" While continuing rubbing my belly and gazing out the window.

"Are you okay?"

I sigh and glance at Enji before closing my eyes and leaning back.

"I'm hella hungry, and sore, he punched the fuck outta my gut. Surprised I didn't throw up."

He chuckles, "If you don't mind me asking, will you be taking care of the baby once it's born?"

I smile and open my eyes, "I don't know yet, I'm already two months into my pregnancy. I haven't really thought about that yet. But..."

I sit up and meet eye contact with Enji, "But I have a feeling I'll be putting them up for adoption, I'm a hero and having a child isn't safe for me or the child. I want what's best for my little one, even if I'm not apart of there life. It'll make me feel even a little better knowing that they're safer with new parents than with me" A tear slips out but I gently wipe it off.

I shake my head, "Besides me, how have you been?"

He sighs and rubs the back of his neck, "Well, I have four kids, my youngest is currently being trained to surpass Toshinori. The other three are just my kids with there moms powers, except for the oldest"

I smile and look back out the window, "It seems like you've got your life going well, I'm sure the kids are amazing. What's there names if you don't mind me asking?"

He huffs, "The eldest, Toya, Fuyumi, Natsuo, then Shoto."

I hum, "Little Shoto will be someone extraordinary, I can feel it." I gaze back to Enji, "But I hope you know Aunt Alina will be making a visit, I need to meet your little devils."

He chuckles and grabs my hand, "Of course, you seem tired, rest."

I scoff, "Oh whatever, just know when I wake up and there isn't a buffet in front of me there will be hell"

He shakes his head before standing up, "I'll make sure they feed you."

Smiling I pull the blanket up, "Good, I'm also eating for two so chop chop!"

He smiles and leans down where he kisses my forehead, "Now sleep"

Huffing I get comfortable, "NoW sLeEp, he says"

"Watch it"

"WaTcH iT"

He flicks my head, "I'll knock you out"

I narrow my eyes at him, "Good fucking luck big guy"

He shakes his head before leaving me alone. Sighing I lean back, "Love you too I guess"

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