Chapter 42

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He sighs before nodding, "I suppose this is a good hero lesson" He looks at his class and nods his head at the door, "Go get dressed in your hero costumes"

Once the last one leaves aizawa turns to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Okay so tell me what's wrong"

I try to keep a straight face but I frown and some tears fall from my eyes.

"He was out with some chick, and apparently this isn't the first time"

He sighs and pulls me into his arms, "He's such a dick, do you know who she was? Or why he was out with her?"

"It doesn't fucking matter who she is, I had gone to see if he really was with another woman and it turns out she was trying to kill him. She put acid in his wine"

"So what're you gonna do about fireboy"

"Talk, there's nothing else I can do"

He nods and tightens his arms around me, "We need to head out, mind transferring us?"

Nodding I pull out of the hug and grab his shoulder, "You're gonna feel a lil fuzzy"

Snapping I transfer us a field where his students wait, this time I'm back in my hero costume. Aizawa stumbles and trips making me laugh. He grumbles and stands in front of his class.

"Listen up, we're going in class order, remember she is a pro hero, you guys are not. Not to sound so rude but that's the truth."

Placing my hands on my hips I watch a kid with shiny blond hair and a belt? walk up.

"Yuga Aoyama"

Nodding I walk towards my spot on the field, I look around and smile at the fond memories that were made here.


Immediately a bright laser is shot towards me, hopping backwards I glance at belt boy and see that he's starting to get tired. With him distracted I send a line of smoke behind him. By the time he looked up I had already transferred behind him. I incase him in smoke and Aizawa ends the match.

Releasing him I put a hand on his shoulder, "Whenever you get tired, don't let your eyes off your opponent, or they'll come up and you won't be ready"

He nods and smiles at me brightly, "Thank you madam Void" then joins his class.

"Mina Ashido"

The fun part about this is that I don't know any of there quirks besides shoto's. They most likely know mine so they could use that to there advantage, I'm sure there'll be a couple of kids who are able to beat me. Maybe.

A girl with pink skin steps up and smiles real big, she seems confident. I don't really know what quirk she could have cause her physical appearance is interesting.


We stare at each other before I shift and disappear from her eye sight.

"What the heck! Mr.Aizawa! You didn't say she could disappear too!"

Floating towards her I kick her legs out from under her then place my foot on her chest keeping her grounded. Shifting back I smile at her before grabbing her hand, "I only have one quirk Mina, evaluate before assuming"

"Tsuyu Asui"

A girl with frog like features steps up, frog quirk, nice.

None of them are wanting to fight head on, the ones I've fought are defensive quirks. I'm sure there are a few offensive ones, I'll see soon.


Right of the bat a long tongue is shot towards me. It wraps around me but I grab the extended part and pull her towards me. She shoots toward me with a fist raised only to be met with my hand grabbing it.

She gasps and tries pulling back but I twist her and put her in a choke hold. Well not really choking her, just keeping her in place. Aizawa ends the match so I let her go and wait until she releases me.

"Before attacking watch your opponent to see if they were going to make a move first. But be careful if you wrap your tongue around people, they could do exactly what I did."

She nods and smiles, "Thank you void-Chan"

"Tenya Iida"

A tall boy with blue hair and engines on his calves walks up. It sucks to be short, cause I have to look up to see his face.


We stare at each other for a few minutes before I sigh, "I'm not starting"

His eyebrow twitches, I must've irritated him, that's a good way to lose.

I know who he is, he's Ingenium's little brother, they have similar quirks. I remember when Ingenium was forced to retire, it was a horrible day. Especially since Isamu and I were there for a little hang out day.

Suddenly he zooms at me swinging his foot, I duck and watch his foot fly over my head. I grab his foot that's on the ground and pull. His face slams on the ground so I let go and back up waiting for him to get up.

His engine legs start smoking which catch my interest, flicking my hand I control the smoke and move it around. It's stuffy and hot, not like anything I've controlled but it's nice to try new things.

"When attacking, remember to counter attack if you were to be taken down. You don't want to start a fight then not be able to finish it."

He stands up and bows, "Thank you void-sensei I'll remember your words."

Nodding I send him off and continue on with the sparring. Eventually I get to fight shoto, it'll be interesting. He's known me as aunt Alina but now he has to call me void.


Almost immediately ice is barreling towards me at a fast pace. I let it incase me knowing he wouldn't fully cover me, even if he did he knows I'd be able to get out.

Sighing I fill the small circle I'm in with smoke and heat it up. An air tunnel is made so I transfer out of the ice and next to it.

"It's rude to cover your aunty in ice shoto"

His eyes widen before he charges at me, I narrow my eyes at him and dodge his fist. Jumping back I continue to avoid his attacks. I can tell he's getting irritated with my constant avoiding. So I let him get a punch in, I expected him to hit my shoulder but instead he hit my cheek. Stumbling back I wipe the blood off and look at it.

He stops his advancing and looks at me with worry, "Al-"

I charge and grab his outstretched hand twisting it behind his back. I push him on his stomach and keep his arm locked behind him.

"Distractions will cause you to lose, keep your goal in mind so you don't lose."

Releasing him I place him on his feet and brush off the first from his shoulder.

"Okay who's next"

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