Chapter 50

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"Daachi! Sensei is gonna get upset"

Hey, I'm Isamu Todoroki, I am 18 years old and in my last year at U.A. You may know my parents, Enji Todoroki and Alina Todoroki. The top two heroes, who are now happily retired and settled in our home in the city.

"Relax Isa, it's not like it's gonna catch on fire"

Rolling my eyes I look around the dark hall we were walking down. I don't know how but my...friend I guess you could call him, dragged me with him. Luckily it was the weekend so we didn't have to worry about school.

"C'mon!! Get your ass up here before Iida-sensei shows up!"

Daachi grabs my hand since I was walking too slow for his liking. Heat creeps up my neck and warms up my ears. Gosh I need to get my emotions under control before my eyes start to glow. Or my skin.

He drags me some ladder before climbing up but still managing to hold my hand. I don't know how, but  not gonna say anything about it.

"You good? Your eyes are a lil orange and ya skin is glowing a bit, do you have to shit or sum?"

Once on top of the ladder I look away with a small frown, "No I'm fine"

He chuckles before dragging me to a door where he just walks through it. But then he comes back with a smile.

"Forgot you don't have my quirk"

Walking through the door I see nothing but the dark sky. It's beautiful. I haven't seen these many stars since the night mom came home. Which was almost 4 years ago, man it felt like it was yesterday when I saw mom again.

"Isa...I have something I want to tell you"

I look away from the stars and to Daachi who was standing next to me. His confidence went down, I could tell.

"What is it?"

He sighs and rubs the back of his neck slowly, I could sense heat radiating off his face. Was he blushing??

His blue eyes turn towards mine making my chest tighten, is he upset with me? I haven't done anything though. Have I? Is he upset cause I took his sweater? Did he even notice that I did?

"I never noticed your eyes have specks of blue and yellow in them"

Suddenly he grabs my cheek and places his forehead against mine. My eyes widen but I lean closer, his body is warm and I like that.

"Is it wrong that I feel something towards you?"


"I've know you for my whole life but I feel like your more than my best friend, damnit I'm really fucking confused"

I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers, but his are bigger than mine. He's a whole foot taller than me and I'm tall myself.

"I'll help you, we can figure these feelings out together"



Kicking the villain off of my leg I straighten my dress before walking through the destroyed wall. In my defense, the guy was running at me with a knife. This was not how I thought my night would go. My husband was waiting for me at the agency.

"V-void? Didn't you retire??"

Turning around I notice a little girl with red eyes and blonde hair. Who's kid is this?

"Where are your parents sweetie?"

Suddenly I hear two pairs of footsteps, they seem to be frantic.

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