Chapter 16

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He jumps before leaping away from me, "We could make this fight easier if you just come out of hiding!"

I roll my eyes before shooting towards him, when I was close enough I shifted back and punched him in the face knocking him back. He stumbles back but rebounds and throws a fist at me. I jump back and watch him make two new clones.

"You're such a pain with your smoke"

I smile, "Thanks I'm flattered!"

He groans before sending out two clones, I hum and shift making the two clones punch each other in the face.

I need to end this before someone gets pissy.

I shoot towards him once again before shifting and landing on his shoulders, I wrap my thighs around his neck and lean backwards making us fall onto the ground. He grips onto my thighs trying to make me let go but to no avail he's trapped.

I grab his hands and hold them up and tighten my hold on him. His struggling slows down until he's stopped completely. I let go of his hands and put a finger to his neck. Feeling that he's alive just passed out I sigh and release him from my hold.


I look to Electris from across the field, I glance at my classmates to see they're just as confused. Electris glares at me and starts tapping her foot. "NOW!"

I roll my eyes before getting up and walking to the office.

Time skipty

Here I am, in Nezu's office, sitting in a chair. I actually have no idea as why I'm here.

Nezu takes a sip of his tea, "Do you know why you're here?"

I shake my head before crossing my arms, "No sir, we were doing one on ones and I made my opponent pass out then I got yelled at to come here"

He hums before sipping his tea then setting it down, "Who's your teacher?"


He hums before turning to some papers and stacking them neatly. "Okay Ms.King, since Electris clearly has a problem with you I'll have you deliver some papers for me, is that alright?"

I nod and stand up, "I don't mind, who do you want me to give them to."

"Do you remember Toxin?"

I nod and grab the papers, "Yes sir, I fought against him during the entrance exam"

He hums happily, "He's a second year teacher, I'll send him an email letting him know you're heading that way. Then after that you can change back into your uniform."

"Okay, have a nice day!"

Nezu waves his little paw, "And you too!"

I smile and walk out of his office.

I made it to where the second years are taught and immediately found Toxins class. I'm gonna guess he's the 2-a class.

I knock on the door, after a couple of seconds someone opens the door. It was a student though.

"Is Toxin in here?"

"Right here!"

I look into the class and look near the back to see Toxin. He was just sitting there.

"Umm sorry for interrupting but I was told to drop these off for you." I raise the papers in my hand.

He hums, "Yes thank you, do you mind coming over here and handing them to me?"

I hum, "I don't mind"

I fully step into the class and tense when I see everyone staring at me.

"Don't be scared child! These kids are softies!"

I look around to everyone before huffing.

Ya know, when visiting another teacher you'd think the teacher and students wouldn't be so tense.

Something felt off so I stop my walking, "Why'd you stop child?"

I look to 'Toxin' and narrow my eyes at him at him.

"You're a fake, someone in here as a hologram quirk"

Someone grunts and the 'Toxin' in the back fades away. I huff and turn around to see a smiling Toxin. The real one.

"I'm impressed! You figured that out faster than I thought you would've"

I shrug before handing him the papers, "I'm a fan and I know that you don't talk like a creeper so it wasn't hard."

He laughs and puts the papers under his arm, "Vapors kid?"

I nod and cross my arms.

He smiles, "I knew it, tell him that me and him should meet up sometime like old times sake."

I sigh before walking to the door, "I'm not a messenger, go talk to him yourself. I'm sure he'd appreciate it."

Toxin sighs before nodding, "I suppose you're right, and now get to class before I get in trouble."

I nod before opening the door and looking at his students, but one certain male caught my attention. His eyes were just like mine, he looks away from his friend and smirks when he sees me staring at him. I raise an eyebrow before looking to Toxin.

"Have a good day, hope you aren't too butthurt about me beating you though, forgot to mention that"

Toxin looks at me with shock, "What! I clearly won!"

I smile, "Whatever floats your boat! Anyways see ya! And don't forget to call my father cause he'll be glad to meet up with ya!"

With that being said I step out the class and shut the door.  I sigh and start making my way to the locker room to change.

Time skipty

The final bell rang signifying school is over and we can head home. I gather my books and slide them into my bag. I grab my bag and walk out the door.

I was close to the exit when a tap on my shoulder makes me stop and turn around. I see the boy from earlier was the one who stopped me.

I smile and turn to face him, "Hello"

The kid raises an eyebrow before smiling, "Hey, you're king right?"

I nod, "Yep and you are?"

He grabs my hand and places a kiss on my knuckles, "I'm Elijah James"

I blush and gently take my hand out of his, "An American name, how interesting"

He smiles, "Well I was born and raised there until I transferred here last year."

I smile back, "That's cool,It was nice meeting you but I've gotta head home!"

I wave and push the door letting me leave the building.

I was almost to the gate when an arm wraps around my shoulders. I look up and see Enji whose face is blank.

"I just met him, no need to be jealous."

He scoffs, "Whatever, it's not like he'll be able to make you his."

I raise an eyebrow at his statement, "What?"

He shakes his head before tightening his grip, "Nothing, don't worry bout it"

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