Chapter 9

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I was walking out of the bathroom when I bumped into someone's chest. Much like a girl's chest.

I blink and back before looking up, seeing the girl who produces pink smoke I smile.


The girl looks me up and down before squealing and pulling me into a tight hug.


I laugh and shift, moving out of her tight grip I shift back but in front of her.

"Ha sorry, I'm not one for hugs, but what do you mean?"

She laughs before grabbing my hands, "You're pretty! Athletic! An amazing quirk! And a good-looking body!"

My face blushes at the last comment, "I- uh I don't know what to say, thank yo-"

"But you seem like a bitch"

My face drops, "Excuse me?"

I yank my hands out of her grip and step back, "You don't know me so assuming that I'm a bitch is rude."

She shrugs before crossing her arms, "I don't know what it is with you, you seem like the girl everybody wants, it's just your attitude is horrible."

I clench my fist, "I'm sorry you feel that way."

Not wanting to start a fight I turn and start leaving the school.

Once I make it out of the school I unclench my fist, but a stinging pain makes me look down and see a little bit of blood seeping out of my hand. Huffing I let my hands droop making the blood drip on the ground.


Hearing my name I bring my hands to my chest, "Y-yes?"

I get turned around to where I'm facing Yagi. He looks at my face before looking down at my bloody hands. His face turns to anger, "Who did this?"

"No one did, I did it to myself."

He grabs my hand from my chest and inspects the wound, "Why are you hurting yourself?"

I scoff and yank my hands out of his, "I'm not, I was just angry, you don't need to worry."

Yagi shakes his head, "I'm your best friend, of course, I'm gonna worry, now let's get those cleaned up."

Time skipty

Saying bye to Yagi I close the door and lean against it, holding my hand out I twirl my hand to see that the wound had closed.

I can heal myself with my smoke but I didn't want Yagi to feel disappointed so I let him think he was helping me.

Sighing I lean off the door and walk into the kitchen to start dinner. But I doubt dad will be home to eat it when I was out in the cabin last week. I checked on the news to see if dad had gotten more active. So I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't home tonight.

I was halfway through making dinner when the door is slammed open and a thud is heard afterward. I quickly turn off the stove and run to the front door. Seeing dad on the ground and in blood I quickly drop to his side.

"Holy shit, where is the injury at?"

Dad chuckles and rolls on his back, "I'll be fine hun, what's for dinner?"

I scoff, "Stop bullshitting, and dinner can wait."

He whines like a kid before groaning, "Just help me to the couch."

"Oh no, I just cleaned it, you're staying right here"

Flicking my wrists I move my smoke to get the first aid kit in the cabinet. Bringing it back I open it up and grab the scissors. I also close the door that was still open.

"So what caused this?"

I remove the cloth from over his wound and hiss from seeing it. "Don't answer, I can tell you were scratched from a close proximity."

Dad laughs but groans and tries to hold his side, I slap his hand away and grab the disinfectant. "This is gonna sting."

I start pouring the liquid but stop when he cries out in pain. "What the fuck Alina?"

"Don't you curse at me! You're the one who decided to get hurt!"

I grab the wipes and clean up the nasty stuff. After the wound stops bleeding and cleaning up I gather the stuff so I can stitch him up.

"You're giving me stitches?"

I hum and wipe the wound again, "Yes so don't move"

Counting to 3 in my head I insert the needle and quickly make the first stitch. Glancing at dads face I sigh when I see he's still awake.

For the next 5 minutes I stitch up his rather deep cut, for sure he'll have a scar. I start putting up the supplies and throwing away the used stuff.

"You okay? The cut was pretty deep"

Helping dad up I tap his temples and he stands up straight. "Y-Yep, is dinner ready?"

I nod and make him sit at the table, "Yeah it's rice, steak, and eggs."

He hums and leans on his hand, "Sounds delicious"

I nod and walk to the kitchen to serve our dinner.

Time skipty

It was late at night when I'm just sitting on my bed in the dark. I had school the next day but I just couldn't sleep. I guess today was rough, I mean I overused my quirk and almost passed out, got called a bitch then dad came home with an injury like no other. Maybe I need some alone time away from everyone, not saying they make my life difficult but I want some "me" time without my dad or Enji or Yagi. But I also guess something else is bothering me besides that. What Electris said after her little "test"


"Miss King May I speak to you for a sec?"

Turning around I nod and finish packing up.

"Yagi, go on without me, I'll see you tomorrow!"

He nods before grabbing his stuff, waving bye then walking out. I sit back down and watch the rest of the class left. Then standing up to Electris's desk.

"What is it you wanted to ask me?"

Electris sighs and stands up, "I have some regards concerning your quirk and all."

I nod, "What is it you wanted to know?"

She shakes her head and rubs her chin, "Your father has the same quirk just not with smoke. And your mother has what quirk?"

I sigh, "To be honest I don't know what her quirk is and I really don't care either, not to be rude about it."

She hums, "Well let's just say I know your background, your mother simply left you and your father because she wanted more money, am I correct?"

I take a step back from shock, "This has nothing to do with my quirk!"

She giggles before glaring at me, "I'll put it nicely dear, you don't belong here, you never will. So I'm giving you the chance to leave this place and go somewhere else. We don't need a whores daughter walking around here, it'll be bad for me and the school."

My eyes widen before they narrow, "I think you have no right to tell me if I should leave! I got here by working my ass off and I'm not gonna let you or my mother stop me! So go ahead try your fucking best to get rid of me." I stand up straight letting my confidence flow. "Now if you don't have any more questions I'll be leaving."

Turning around I walk to my seat and grab my bag then walk out of the room without a glance.

"Such an idiot."

Edited 6/20/22

Scorched ~Endeavor~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora