Chapter 10

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Walking into school the next day I could feel the glares I got from Electris. I could tell she expected me to quit but it'll take more than a simple statement to get me to leave.


Turning in my seat I smile when I see Yamada. "Hey! What's up?"

Yamada smiles, "Are you busy this weekend?"

I place my finger on my chin, "I don't know, but I can see if I'm not."

He smiles and ruffles my hair, "Alright! We'll probably go to some retro shops, is that okay?"

I smile and fix my hair, "Yeah I don't mind, I'll tell you tomorrow if I can go tho."

He nods and walks off with a wave.

"So you and blondie going on a date?"

Looking behind me I snort when I see Enji is red from anger. I turn in my seat and push his cheeks together.

"No one will ever replace you if that's what you're thinking."  

He scoffs and pushes my hands away, "Whatever, it's not like I'd date someone like you anyways."

I purse my lips, "That isn't nice"

He chuckles, "When am I ever nice?"

I huff and turn back around in my seat. Tapping my finger on the desk I lose myself in my thoughts. I mean I got upset about what Enji just said. What does he mean he wouldn't date someone like me? Am I too annoying? Crazy? Maybe I'm not pretty enough, I do have oddly bright yellow eyes and unruly long hair. Or maybe I'm not strong and he sees me as someone who always needs protection.

I don't know why I got so upset about what he said, maybe we aren't meant to be friends then.

Time skipty

Grabbing my tray and chopsticks I turn and make my way outside.

It's away from everyone but in reality, I didn't want to sit with Enji. Even though we are best friends.

Like I don't even have an appetite anymore, I'm just so hung up on what he said. It's only lunch and I'm already in a sour mood. Maybe since I've known Enji so long that what he said wasn't meant as rude, just the truth. There are things that I've tried doing in middle school to get a boyfriend but it's either they rejected me or Enji and Yagi scared them away.

I'm just not happy I guess, I love Enji dearly but his comment ruined my day completely.

"Why do you look like that?"

I jump and look up to see Aizawa drinking a juice pouch.

Shaking my head I stand up from the table, "Look like what?"

Throwing away my uneaten food and placing the tray beside the trash can I turn back to Aizawa.

"You look depressed, wipe it off it's ugly."

I guess my face showed hurt cause Aizawa shook his head before rubbing his eyes. "Sorry, I don't know how to comfort someone."

"It's okay, but learn how to cause you'll need to know how to once you become a pro."

He sighs before nodding, "I guess you're right, again I'm sorry."

I pat his back, "It's fine, so what's up?"

Aizawa yawns and shakes his head, "You weren't in the cafeteria or the classroom so I went looking for you. That todoroki kid is angry cause you didn't sit with him or something like that"

I hum, "I wanted some alone time, but I didn't even eat so I guess I'll head back to class before he sets the school on fire."

Time skipty

Walking home from school I start to feel some tension when getting closer home.

Running up to my apartment I fumble with my keys but am quickly stopped when the door swings open revealing the two men from before. Skidding to a stop I watch one of them say something before turning but stopping when they see me.

"Good evening Miss King, we-"




The two sigh before one tosses me some papers, catching it with my smoke I hold it up before throwing it.

"Your father didn't meet the requirements this time so you'll need to go with your mother."

I scoff, "You said next MONTH! It has been TWO days since you were last here."

Shifting I float into my apartment and find dad on the ground crying. Shifting back I drop to his side and hug him, "Hey, I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere." Dad sniffles before hugging me back.

"I'm so sorry Alina, I couldn't stop them! They're trying to take you away from me!"

I furrow my eyebrows, "I don't care if they're government officials I'm not leaving your side. You are my only family left and I'm not losing it now."

Dad sighs before his hold tightens, "I don't know what I did to deserve this."

For the next hour, I let dad cry, and let all his pent-up stress out. I hate seeing him cry, it's heartbreaking. And it sucks because there's nothing I can do but just hug him and tell him it'll be okay. When it's really not! He had been through hell and back just for me, I don't want him shedding anymore tears because of me. So, after he fell asleep I moved him to his bed.

Changing into some jeans and a hoodie I grab my phone and keys. Quickly writing a note saying I'll be back later I leave the apartment.

Typing an address on my phone I begin my journey to my mother's house.

Edited 6/20/22

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