Chapter 17

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"I'm sorry alina but you can't go out tonight, kin's husband is mad and is supposedly trying to look for us."

I groan, "You're a hero and I'm training to be one! I know how to handle myself!"

Dad shakes his head, "I know that but I'm not gonna risk having you get injured so stay home okay? Please"

Sighing I nod, "Okay then, I'll stay in"

Dad smiles and rubs my head, "You can invite Todoroki or Toshi whatever is fine with you."

I smile and shake my head, "It's fine, I think I want to have a day just by myself"

Dad nods before pulling my forehead to his lips, "Well alright, I was called in okay? So if I hear that you left I'll make training to the point where you won't be moving afterwards!"

I snort and push his head back, "Oh come on! That's not fair!"

He chuckles before pulling me into a headlock, "Oh yeah? That's not fair? I can make it harsher!"

I giggle and kick at his knee making him fall and drag us both down. I grab his wrist and twist it behind his back, "I think I'll go with the first option"

He nods before tapping his free hand on the ground, "Okay I need my arm so you win"

Smirking I release him, "Whatever you're just a sore loser"

Dad sits up and shakes his head, "Mhm says the one who always gets beat by todoroki!"

I gasp and smack his arm, "That's not true! I can over power him anytime"

He snorts, "Okay whatever floats ya boat, I've got to get going. Be good alright?"

I nod and stand up along with him before giving him a kiss on the cheek. "You better be home or else I'm personally whooping your ass"

Eventually dad left for patrol which left me to my own devices. Which include looking online for a pet since most of the time I'm lonely and don't want a human companion around.

Then cleaning a bit

Cooking myself some dinner

Doing some simple mind meditation

Watched YouTube for a bit

Then finally taking a relaxing bath with a face mask that burns my face but it'll be worth it in the end. Hopefully.

I was putting on a hoodie when someone knocks on the door. Grabbing my phone I check the time and see that it's way too late for anybody to come knocking wanting to talk about our holy lord Jesus Christ.

Tossing my phone on the bed I quickly shift and float to the front door. I float through the door crack and see a man standing there. Humming I float up behind him and get the chills when he starts to slowly turn around.

The man, his eyes...they're bright red...a scar going down his teeth...predatory pupils...and blood dripping down his chin.

My body starts to shake and I can feel my body shifting back. I gulp before floating back through my door and to my room where I turn off the light, shut my door and lock it. I unshift and go into my closet to pack a bag, and grab everything necessary. I change into some jeans and slide on my shoes. Pulling my phone out I pull up Enji's contact and press on it.

Alina ;)- Hey, are you busy?

Enji:(- Why does it matter?!

Alina;)- please just answer the question!

Enji:(- I'm not, why,what's up?

Alina;)-I'm heading over, open your window and lock your door.

I turn off my phone and slide it in my pocket, grabbing my bag I slide it on. I shift and go throughout the house turning lights off, and locking everything. Sighing I float through the door to see the man is still there but instead he has something in his hand. My eyes widen and I quickly float away from him and out of the apartment staircase. Floating up to the street light I unshift and watch the man slowly turn and meet eye contact with me. I grunt before shifting and floating off to Enji's house.

Time skipty

I finally get to Enji's after floating, totally didn't take me 45 minutes.

I regain my breath before shifting and floating over his gate and up to his window, which is already open for me. I float through just in time cause my quirk gave out. I land on the floor with a thud, "Ow"

"Enji dear? Is everything alright up there?"

The sound of someone getting off a bed is heard which makes me look up. "Yes mother, I just dropped something"

I smile and sit up into a criss cross position. "Yeah Enji, is everything alright up here?"

Enji scoffs before picking me up and setting me on my feet. My legs wobble a bit so I grab onto Enji's arm. "Okay what happened"

I sigh and lean my head on Enji's chest, "I...I saw a man standing outside my door...he um...his eyes were bright red, like they were glowing, a scar along his face, sharp teeth...and."

Thinking of the blood running down his chin I tighten my grip on Enji's arms.

"And what alina?"

I gulp before looking up to Enji, "There was blood running down his chin and before I came here it looked like he was holding something in his hand."

Enji sighs before pulling me into his chest, "It's okay, you're safe here. Where's your dad?"


He hums before pulling off my bag and taking my shoes off. I'm lifted off the ground and one of Enji's arms let go. Glancing over my shoulder I see that Enji closed the window and locked it then closed the curtains making it completely dark.

He walks over to his bed and moves under the covers, "Wait...I'm in jeans"

He sighs before releasing me and going to his drawers, he goes through it before he throws something at me. Pulling it off my face I climb out of the covers and turn to Enji.

"Get out for a sec"

He scoffs, "It's my room!"

"I need to change! And I don't want you looking!"

"It's dark! I can barely see you" lies

I huff before pushing him towards the bed and cover his face with the blanket.

"If you peak I will shove my foot so far up your ass you'll taste it in your mouth"

Huffing I turn around and start to unbuckle my belt then tug off my jeans. I slide off my hoodie and put on Enji's oversized shirt. I fold my clothes and put them on top of my bag. Making sure everything is good I stand up and move to the bed but it stopped when I'm pushed against the wall.

"God damnit alina,you make it so difficult for me not to take you right here"

I gasp, "W-what?"

His arms enclose me and his warm breath is next to my ear. "You heard me"

I gulp before I gently push Enji back, "You peaked didn't you?"

Enji goes silent before he picks me up and moves under the covers. "Okay we're going to bed so shush!"

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