Chapter 18

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A bright light awakens me from deep sleep.

Groaning I try to turn over but a big pair of arms are wrapped around me. I huff before shoving his arms off me. Finally getting his arms off me I get out of bed and peak through the curtain. I smile when I see a momma bird feed her baby.

Then a warm pair of arms wrap around me, surprising me.

"It's too early, let's lay back down"

I nod and close the curtains leaving it kinda dark now. I'm lifted off the ground and soon is back on the bed. Warmth envelopes me making me move closer.

Soon enough me and Enji both fall back asleep in each other's arms.

Time skipty

A knock on the door wakes me up."Enji dear, you gotta get ready for school."

Said Enji groans, "I'm up"

He climbs out of bed and does something before walking into his bathroom. I stretch and yawn before sliding off the bed and next to my bag. Opening it up, I grab my uniform and wait for Enji to step out of the bathroom.

Once he steps out I see that he had taken a shower and is practically naked. Except for the towel wrapped around his waist. Which is hanging dangerously low.

And for some reason I couldn't look away, the way his stomach was muscled and the v-line that went down had left a tingling sensation down below. Moving my eyes upward I gasp when we meet eye contact.

I clear my throat and look to my uniform. Sighing I stand up, uniform in hand and start to move towards the bathroom. I close the door and lean against it, I raise a hand to my beating heart and slowly slide down the door to the ground.

"H-holy shit"

After I calmed myself down, I got dressed then left the bathroom.

"I need to get my school bag from home"

Looking up from fixing my sleeve I gasp then turn around.

"Enji put a shirt on!"

He scoffs, "You're the one who walked in on me!"

I huff, "Just put a shirt on"

Hearing some shuffling and a quiet 'you're good' I turn around.

Sighing I pack up my bag, slide my shoes on then slide my bag on.

"I'm heading to my house to pick my stuff up, you're free to come along."

Unlocking his window, I open it and hop on the edge. I glance behind me, "You comin?"

Enji sighs before walking up to me, he leans down and gets close to where our noses are touching. I look away.

"I'll be there"

I nod but still keep my gaze somewhere else.

"Look at me, you know I like your eyes"

I gulp before looking back at him. He smirks, "Better"

I roll my eyes before turning around, "I'll be off, I'm gonna float over there."

Before I leaped off the edge to shift I'm stopped when my wrist is grabbed. Raising an eyebrow I turn around.

"Be careful okay? We don't know if they got in your house or not"

I smile and put my hand over his cheek, "I'll be fine, I wouldn't be a hero if I couldn't protect myself."

Leaning in I tilt Enji's head to the side and give him a gentle kiss on the cheek. Pulling away I pull off my hand and his before falling backwards. I shift before I hit the ground. Smirking I look up to where I 'fell' and see Enji flipping me off for scaring him.

I unshift and blow a kiss at him before shifting and floating off to my house.

Time skipty

I got close to my neighborhood and shifted back, cops were everywhere. Some chilling on their bikes, some walking to and from places. Some driving up and down the street. Then 2 helicopters flew over.

I walk down the sidewalk until I reach my apartment complex. Or what is left of it.

In front of me is a big pile of burnt apartment buildings.

I look around before running into the rows of ash.

"Hey kid! Where ya going?!"

Ignoring that person I continue running until I reach where my apartment is supposed to be. I stop and catch my breath before pulling my phone out and shakily pull up dads contact. I press the call button and hold the phone up to my ear.

"C'mon pick up" I bite my bottom lip and listen at the phone ring. After the 5th ring it picks up.


There's some shuffling, "Alina?Aren't you supposed to be at school?"

I sigh in relief from hearing his voice, "I uh- yeah but didn't you hear what happened?"

I hear some papers shuffling, "No? What happened?"

I look around and notice Enji has made it, "The apartment, it's gone, along with the other complex. It burned down"

The other side goes silent, before I hear him clear his throat, "Shit I'm heading over, stay right there"

I hum and say a quick love you before hanging up. I look up and walk into Enji's arms. Tears gather in my eyes so I close them tight to keep them from falling. His arms wrap around me, "It's okay" he awkwardly rubs my hair.

The sound of flapping wings makes me open my eyes and glance behind me.

Seeing the number 3 hero Akuma I gasp and turn my whole body to her.

She smiles down at me, "Hello dear, where's your father?"

I sniffle, "Um he said he was on the way"

She hums, "What happened here? I saw the flames last night while working but I couldn't get here due to a villain encounter."

I shrug my shoulders, "I wasn't home, I was with Enji because someone knocked on my door late last night so I left and went to his house."

She nods, "Someone?"

I sigh, "This man, he just had a creepy vibe coming off of him. He glowing teeth...and um"

I look away and rub the side of my arm, "Blood, he had it running down his chin"

Akuma nods, "Anything else?"

I nod, "When I first saw the man I was in my smoke form which no one but animals can sense but he turned around to face me. It was like he could see me as clear as day."


Looking up I see dad running towards me with panic across his face. I drop my bag and sprint towards him, throughout the running my body started shifting so it was like I was glitching.

Finally we meet and I'm embraced in his arms, he kisses the top of my head and we fall down to the ground.

"Oh thank god you're safe!"

I nod and nuzzle my face into his neck, "I'm scared dad, what's going to happen to us?"

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