Chapter 46

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"I love you Enji"


Closing my eyes I welcome the burning fire on my backside. The feeling of my own skin burning is sickening. It's horrible, but I can't stop him, it's my time to go. The man upstairs thinks it's time for me to go. And with this situation, I believe it is the end of my life.


My eyes shoot open hearing Isamu, why is he here? He shouldn't even be here! I frantically look around and see my baby crying in Hawks arms. I scream in pain, I can't die in front of him. He'll be traumatized for the rest of his life.


Crying I swing my legs and manage to get my feet on the ground. Dabi tightens his grip but I reach behind me grabbing the hand on the back of my neck. Screaming in agony I grip his arm and with the remaining strength I throw him over me body slamming him into the concrete.

I stumble back and land on my butt, Dabi stumbles up and faces me in anger. He holds his hand up activating his quirk.

"it's then end of the line for you number two"

I gulp, "y-your mom wouldn't w-want you to do this"

He scoffs, "She doesn't give a shit bout me!"

"From c-conversations I've h-had with her she cares a fuck t-ton about you"


"G-go home kid, she wants t-to see you"

He wipes his tears and looks behind him seeing the heroes are coming. Then back to me, "You're lucky if you even survive tonight"

He runs off and into the portal disappearing from everyone. Blinking I look at the ground then start falling to the side. I'm tired.

Instead of the hard ground I land on someone's chest. Glancing up I see Enji then Isamu jumping in between us.

"Mommy you're gonna be okay right? She's gonna be okay? Right daddy? Is she?"

I close my eyes wanting to get peace, I'm really tired.


"You can't leave us Alina! Please wake up! Don't leave me!"

I shake her body trying to make her open her eyes. I hold my ear next to ear mouth but I don't hear her breathing. Shit shit shit shit shit FUCKING SHIT

I put her on the ground and immediately start CPR.

"C'mon baby wake up, you gotta wake up"

Opening her mouth I blow air into her lungs, leaning back I start pumping her chest again.

"Isamu is here you can't let him watch this!!"

I pump her chest trying to get her to start breathing again.


I'm pulled off of her, paramedics rush to her side and try aiding her. Shaking my head I try moving to her side but I'm pushed back.

"Let them take her-"


Standing up I stumble a bit but I fall back to the ground. I stare at the paramedics giving her cpr for a few more minutes but it's no use. They look back at me and shake their heads.

My heart crumbles, the once heart that was healing is now shattered again. I scream into my hands, and my quirk activates making anyone close back up.

"daddy? What happened to mommy?"

Isamu wraps his small arms around me and cries into me. I can't push him away, he's all I got. Wrapping my arms around him I kiss his head and cry with him.

You lived a long wonderful life.

Alina Todoroki


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