Chapter 3

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It's been exactly 3 months since I've seen Yagi, you might be thinking. 'Where the fuck did he go?' I'll tell you, he left to some city up north for some training. I'm very understanding, but this one time, I wasn't. I was hurt and confused, so I left his place without a hug or an official goodbye. I mean, of course, I care about him, but we just started our last year of middle school a month ago. And he wasn't even here! I was excited to finish school with him but that didn't happen.

You also might be thinking, 'Well what about Enji?' Yeah, that dick transferred to a private school. After Yagi left, I don't know what happened but his attitude kept getting worse and worse. Like, I simply asked if we could train together, then he snapped. He started yelling at me and called me hurtful things. I'm 'clingy' and a 'bitch' but it doesn't matter anymore. I don't need him anyway, I just need to get into U.A.

Speaking of U.A, they'll be holding the yearly hero entrance exams.

"Class! I have some news!"

I look up from my work and lean back in my chair to hear this news.

"So as you all know, in a couple of months, 10 exactly. The well-known Hero school U.A will be holding the hero course entry exams! So if anyone in here wants to go, raise your hand so I can write them down and turn them in."

I hold my hand up and watch a couple of others in my class also raise their hands. The teacher sees and grabs her clipboard.

"Okay, so we have Alina King..."<—- too lazy to write the rest of the background characters.

She nods to us, letting us go back to work.

Time skip

After school, I walked home to change into some exercise clothes. "Dad! I'll be back, gonna go train at the beach!"

Hearing some shuffling then something breaking I shake my head before watching my dad stumble out of his room. "Okay, but be back before dinner!" I nod and walk out of the house to the beach.

Upon arriving, I slide off my socks and shoes and step into the warm sand. Putting them in my bag I make my way closer to the water. Breathing in the salty air I smile, then I drop my bag and do some quick stretches. Popping my neck I stand up straight before moving into a handstand on my forearms. Balancing myself I huff when my hair gets in the way. Inhaling, I move to my hands, I shakily lift one hand off the ground and hold it to the side.

"Didn't think you could hold yourself up like that"

I gasp and lose balance but before I can hit the ground I shift and make sure I land correctly. Shifting back I flip my hair over my face just to see Enji. I roll my eyes before squatting down and grabbing my water bottle.

"What do you want Enji?"

After taking a sip of my water I toss my bottle back before standing up.

"Is it bad to take a walk on the beach?"

I shrug before putting my hair in a loose ponytail. "It's not, I'm just busy and you interrupted."

He rolls his eyes before taking a step forward, "It's nice seeing you."

I scoff before taking a step backward, "Yeah well after you decided to pop smoke and leave I went through intense training."

"That's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean? Eh?"

Enji crosses his arms and rubs the bridge of his nose, "I just wanted to check up on you"

I roll my eyes, "Check up on me? After you left? You called me clingy and a bitch then left. Then three months later you show up like nothing happened? Yagi already left, then you, do you know how hurt I was? I..." I scoff and look away from him. "Whatever, not like you care anyway." Grabbing my bag I step around him only for him to grab me and wrap his arms around me. "Let me go Enji"

"Not until you let me explain."

"Explain what? Are you being a dick? I already got my explanation a long time ago."

He tightens his hold on me, "No, just...just let me talk."

I sigh before nodding, though he doesn't release me.

"The day after Yagi left, my parents got mad that I wasn't taking my training seriously. they threatened to move me to a private school if I didn't take it seriously." I lay my chin on his shoulder and watch some birds fly off. "Then they found out about you, so they moved me to a private school."

I slowly wrap my arms around his waist, "Why didn't you tell me? I would've understood."

"I couldn't bring myself to tell you, and the day you asked me if we could train I thought of my parents. And even though you aren't them, I snapped and called you some very regretful things."

"No kidding, I wouldn't leave my room for a couple of days."

His hold tightens making it hard to breathe. "I'm sorry Alina, I'm so so sorry, I know you might not forgive me and I'm ok with that I just don't want you to leave my life." My eyes widen before I feel warm tears on my shirt. "E-Enji?"

"Please Alina, you're the only one who I consider a true friend. And I don't want to lose that" I shift and move in front of Enji, shifting back I grab his face and make him look at me. Wiping his tears away with my thumbs I sigh when he stops. "I-I won't leave, it's just we need to get ready for the Entrance exam."

"That's in 10 months, we have time."

I furrow my eyebrows, "What do you mean? Time for what?"

Enji shakes his head, "Nothing, I just needed to see you before I'm forced to continue my training."

"So you're leaving again?"

Enji tenses up before nodding, "I am, I'm gonna be homeschooled and I'll be continuing my training with my father."

I nod and look to the setting sun, "Well...I guess this is goodbye."

"It's rather a see you later." He grabs my chin making me look into his eyes. "But when I enter U.A, you better be there or imma kicking your ass, you hear me?"

I blink to let the tears drop before nodding and putting my forehead against his. "I hear ya, I hear ya loud and clear!"

Edited 6/20/22

Scorched ~Endeavor~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora