Chapter 41

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Uhhh idk what time place this will be in but just in the future.

"Hello Miss, I'm hawks, I'm sure you've heard of me-"

I scoff and walk around him, I don't have time for him, yes I've heard of him but I didn't care. Awhile ago Yagi retired which broke millions of people's hearts. But it was for the best, Enji and I moved up in the ranks proving to our haters that we are undefeated.

Anyways, his kids, who I've gotten very close with, have all grown up. The two eldest are adults while shoto is still in school. Since Enji has always had a bad relationship with his kids, I forced him to get close. Earn back there trust and love, by far he's doing alright. Even though it's tough, I believe he's got this in the bag.

Then my own kid, Isamu, a fireball, literally. He's only 8 and causing problems. But he's a kid, he's got two parents who are heroes I'd be concerned if he wasn't crazy.

Awhile back, maybe 2 or 3 years ago, my twins, Aki and Istuki had been placed in foster care. It broke me, but I couldn't do it, I couldn't take them back. A year through foster care I had planned on meeting them but that was cancelled real quick. I watched them reunite before Istuki dropped dead in front of Aki.

I knew heartbreak, death, guilt, but seeing my own baby die in front of me broke me down completely. I didn't even get to meet them, I didn't get to say sorry, I didn't get to say I love them.

I blamed myself so much for what had happened but Enji and Isamu pulled me into the light again. I was stuck in a darkness I couldn't explain, my soul felt heavy for watching the murder of my son and not going after the murderer. I was a hero for a damn reason yet I failed my job.

My watch beeps alerting me that I've been called in for hero work. Sighing I shift into my outfit and transfer to a roof. Crouching down I watch the people go along there day.

"You are hard to find"

"You're hard to get rid of, what do you want hawks?"

He chuckles and moves besides me, "Just to talk"

A child below trips and drops her stuffed bear, waving my hand I pick her up before handing her bear back. She giggles before running to her mother.

"You're great with kids"

"I've got one so I know how to handle one"

"How is he by the way?"

Sighing I sit on my butt, "He's fine, at my parents house."

"Oh before I forget, Enji told me to tell you he'll be coming home late again."

My jaw clenches before I release it, "Of course, is there anymore to tell me?"

He plucks one of his feathers and twirls it around, "Go on a date with me?"

Scoffing I shake my head and standing up, "No thank you Hawks, find someone your own age."

He stands up and places his arm around my shoulders, "Oh c'mon if Enji can go around then I might as well try his wife."

My eyes widen before I push him off of me, "What the fuck did you just say?"

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