Chapter 40

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"Can you just get up? We need to head to my parents before sunset!"

I throw a pillow at Enji then walk into the bathroom to fix my hair that was roughed up.

"If you give me a little treat then I will."

I slam my brush on the counter before storming into the room.

"I will not give you any sort of treat if you think for a second I need to reward you with my body just to get you to do something you are so wrong!"

He sits up, "And why not?"

I scoff, "Are you fucking serious?"

He shrugs before getting out of bed and slipping on boxers, "Yeah I am, why can't we just have a little bit of fun before we head out?"

"Because my body needs a break and so does yours!"

He chuckles and slips on a hoodie, "I don't think so, I say when you get a break"

Anger fills my body, he doesn't control me, and I won't let him.

"Why do you keep trying to get in my pants? Huh? You've been like this ever since I have birth to i-"

"Don't even finish that god damn sentence"

I shake my head and point a finger at him, "Answer my question Enji! Why do you keep trying?"

He huffs and turns to me with anger, "I WANT A FAMILY WITH YOU! I WANT YOU TO HAVE MY KIDS!"

I stumble back in shock, "w-what?"

He sighs, "I want a family with you"

My gaze falls to the ground, I don't know what to think. I'm in complete shock, I was so oblivious to his intentions. I just thought he was horny all the time, I didn't know he wanted kids with me.

"Please say something"

I look to him before I drop to my knees and hold my head. I just don't know what to do, what to think, or even what to say. We're both heroes it wouldn't work, I wouldn't want my kids suffering from my job. Like what if they get kidnapped, hurt, or even killed. I'd hate myself, I wouldn't be able to live knowing my kids got hurt all because of my job.

My hands are grabbed, "Please talk to me"

"What do you expect me to say?!"

"I don't know! Just something, likes what's on your mind!"

I shake my head and look him in the eyes, "Why?"

He sighs and sits with me, "Because I want you to have my kids, I want to start a family with you, I want to be with you completely."

"But you are with me, we don't need kids in order to be a family. We could get a dog or a cat!"

He shakes his head, "No, I want to put a baby in your stomach, I don't want an animal."

"I just don't under-"


My eyes widen, "y-you love me?"

He grabs my face between his hands and puts my forehead to his, "of course I love you, I've loved you ever since we were kids!"

Tears form and start falling down my cheeks, "Enji I- I didn't know"

He wipes my tears, "I know, but I stayed because I wanted you, I wanted you so bad."

I cry more and move into his lap. How did I not know he loved me? I was always around but there wasn't any hints that he loved me. What did I do wrong in the past?

He rubs my back and kisses my temple, "It's okay, we were young and oblivious to things, and weren't experienced in relationships. Don't beat yourself up"

I lean back and grab his cheek, "If I had known I wouldn't have left school! I could've graduated with you and we could've fallen in love then and start a family. Not half a decade later!"

He chuckles and rubs my tears away, "It's okay my love, fate had other ideas, but eventually it brought us back together. Here we are, sharing an apartment, being duo heroes, we're together aren't we?"

I rub my thumb across his cheek, "We are"

He sighs and places a kiss on my forehead, "Good, this conversation isn't over but I know you want to see your parents. So I'll get dressed so we can head out"

He moves to get up but I keep him down, "No it's okay, let's finish this conversation, it'll be tense around dinner if we don't. I can tell dad that something came up."

He rubs my back and stands up with me in his arms, "Are you sure?"

I nod and stand on my feet, "Yeah, we can move this conversation to the couch, but let's get comfy."

We had both changed into comfortable clothes and I had called dad saying we couldn't go. But next week we will, while I was doing that Enji had made me some tea.

After settling under a blanket on the couch I look out the window and watch dark clouds start rolling in. It is December so it should start snowing anytime now.

Enji sits in front of me, "Whatcha thinking about?"

I shrug and take drink out of my cup, "I guess the future"

I place my cup on the table and look back out the window, it's gotten darker and we have yet to turn on any lights.

"What about the future?"

Sighing I pull the blanket up to my chest, "I'm just scared to have more kids, I gave up itsuki and Aki to protect them, it would break my heart to have kids then hand them away again!"

"Then don't! They will be with us the whole time! You could even get back itsuki and aki!"

I shake my head and look at him, "No, I promised myself those two will stay with there new families, not me. I am not there mother anymore, blood related yes, but other than that I'm just a woman to them."

He grabs my hand and rubs his thumb across it, "Okay, but what about us? I love you but do you love me?"

I grip his hand, "Of course I do, but I don't know if I'm ready to have another kid."

Suddenly he tugs me into his arms and holds me tight, "Whatever your doubts are, get rid of them, we are heroes, that means if something were to happen then we would be there. Including our new kid, we will make it work"

I hold him tight and cry into his shoulder, I don't want to make any mistakes.

After crying I lean back and wipe away my tears, "okay"

I look up and he suddenly stands up and lifts me into the air. He laughs and brings me down to smother my face with kisses, "I love you"

I stare into his eyes with hope, "I love you too"

A/n- don't hate me, but it's getting close to the end.

Scorched ~Endeavor~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin