Chapter 4

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8 months ago, I said goodbye to my last real friend, Enji. Since then I had begun an even intenser training than I had ever done before. And in 2 months is the U.A entrance exam.

1st month

Through this month, I trained mentally. I studied every hero, hero history, and even some other useful information that I could use to help me pass the written part of the exam.

I had kept up with my physical training, but I mostly dedicated this month to my mental training. In the end, I'm sure I'd pass with flying colors. All I need to worry about is the physical part.

2nd month

It was the last month until the exams, I had pushed my training harder every day until I collapsed the day before the actual exam which made dad freak out. Seeing that my dad was a pro, I could've gotten in with recommendations, but that didn't seem fair. Anyways, I was told not to move from my bed until the morning of the exams.

Which is today, I was up early, got dressed in my uniform, and packed some leggings to change into. When I arrived at U.A, I was surprised to see that none of my classmates showed up. It's not like I was friends with them, I stopped caring for others after Enji left. But besides my messed-up friendships, I walk into the auditorium and sit down beside a boy who looks tired.

He looks at me and nods, being polite I also nod before paying attention to the hero who stepped up on the stage. They started getting into what we'll be doing, to shorten it, we'll be playing hide n seek. The heroes, like actual pro heroes, have to find us. And if they succeed in also capturing you, then you automatically fail. In the PowerPoint she was showing us, it seems we have to start on one side and try to get to the other. So, everyone trying to reach the other side is either against me or with me, but it doesn't matter, if I need to I'll make sure they get caught. But since I want to be a hero I'll need to help some people. Simple enough considering my quirk is perfect for stealth.

"Alright everyone, please go to your respected field. If you need to change, there is a locker room down the hall on the left. You all have 20 minutes to change and get to your field so chop!"

I sigh before shifting and floating to the girl's locker room, I quickly strip off everything, besides my panties and sports bra, and slide on my leggings. Not putting my shoes on I shove everything in my bag and leave it in a locker that was allowed for us to use.

I shift again and float through the halls until I'm outside. Looking around I see that my field is the first one. Floating to it I shift back before landing gently on the ground.

"Impressive quirk you've got there."

I jump before looking behind me, seeing the kid I sat with earlier I smile. "Uh yeah, it's smoke manipulation." Holding a hand up I create a smoke figurine of a dog. "Are there other things you can do besides creating crappy figurines?"

Now I feel offended.

I sigh before shifting and floating the kid's ear, "Of course, there are other things" He tenses up and looks away. Giggling I move to where I was before shifting back. "If you excuse me..."

"Aizawa Shota."

I hum, "If you excuse me Aizawa, I'll be heading off to get ready. Good luck!" Turning around I make my way to the front.

After stretching and doing some quirk stretches, I feel energized and ready. But I stop what I'm doing when I feel a lot of eyes on me, glancing over my shoulder I groan when I see that most of the boys were staring at me. I mean, my chest grew out, my hips got wider, And one thing I'm not happy about. I'm short as hell, I stopped growing after 2nd year in middle school.

Suddenly the large gates open, "GO!"

I gasp before shifting and floating above everyone, looking ahead of me I smirk when I see the heroes have entered and had started going after the ones who haven't hidden. I shake my head before floating through and going through the alleyways. Wanting to save some energy I look around before shifting and landing in the alleyway with a small thud. I listen to my surroundings before I start jogging through the alleyways.

Farther away, I can hear the yells of the contestants and heroes fighting against each other. Seeing an entryway to a street I lean against the wall and glance around the corner to see a hero walking toward me. I quickly shift and float above where I was, the hero, known as electric stopped and looked around. Gulping I move to the building across from us, but she looks to where I moved and narrows her eyes. She smirks before 4 lightning bolts struck in the alleyway.

"I know you're here, let's make this easy, so surrender now sweets."

Seeing that her lighting had caused smoke, I smirk before moving to her ears. "I'd rather win!" She gasps and turns to where I was but when she turns back around she was met with a face full of smoke and a fist. She stumbles back and shoots some lighting, which is good for me. Smirking I gather it in my hands before slamming it on the ground causing a smoke screen to let me escape. Floating through the streets, I see some injured but well-hidden contestants. Moving smoke towards them all I cover whatever wounds they might have.

Observation Room

"Who is that student who defeated Electric?"

A hero starts typing away before pulling up the profile picture of you. "Her name is Alina King her quirk is Smoke Manipulation. Umm...It also says her dad is the pro hero: Vapor. His quirk has something to do with water vapor."

Nezu nods before inspecting your live footage. You are helping the injured and also moving to the finish line. "She seems like she knows what she's doing, I'm glad we'll have someone like her to be a hero!"

Your POV

Jumping away from the blast of venom, I gasp when one hits my shoulder. I drop to my knees and watch the hero Toxin start walking toward me with a smirk on his face. "Awww, sad to see such a strong competitor fail." He starts walking toward me but before he can reach me with his floating venom, the venom drops to the ground. Toxin looks around confused giving me the chance to shift and float closer to the exit. When I get closer my quirk gives out making me shift midair and fall on top of a building. Grasping my bleeding shoulder I hiss when pain fills my body. Groaning I lean against the side and calm my breathing. Looking ahead I see the gate is closed, but I need to close this wound up before it gets worse. I just don't have any cloth, and using my bra and leggings won't do, I'm stuck on a hard decision. To either shoot towards the gate fast so I can get help, or wait here letting my shoulder bleed out. But if I do the first one I risk losing more blood than necessary when floating.

"Why are you just sitting there? The exit is right there."

I tense up and glance at whoever but relax when I see Aizawa sitting next to me.

"I- um-I have an injury and I'm trying to calm down."

He groans before grabbing my wrist and pulling me up to my feet, "You're so close, why give up now?"

I huff, "I wasn't giving up, I was trying to calm down as I said."

He rolls his eyes before letting go of me, "The exam is about to end we need to get to the exit quickly."

I nod and shift but groan when my shoulder erupts in pain. Aizawa moves ahead and is jumping across the building tops, I sigh before floating towards the exit as fast as I can go.

Aizawa walks through the line and I follow after. It was good timing though, after I finished my quirk gave out so I unshifted. Every one that did pass just saw a girl fall from nowhere, I mean I'd be confused. I yelp when I hit the ground, groaning I roll onto my back and stare at the ground.

"I need a nap."

Edited 6/20/22

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