Chapter 2

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Setting the popcorn bowls on the table I jump when I hear the doorbell ring. Wiping my hands I start making my way to the door. Then loud knocking starts, "Let us the fuck in Alina, we don't have all damn day!"

I roll my eyes before unlocking the door and opening it, "Shut up will you, I have neighbors!" The two boys walk in so I close the door and follow them into the living where they have already made themselves comfortable. "Yeah sure just take over my couch." They get even more comfortable which makes me roll my eyes. "I'm gonna change so save some popcorn for me!" They hum, rolling my eyes I walk to my room and close the door. Slipping into a hoodie and some shorts I make my way back to the couch and jump in between the two boys. Grabbing my blanket I wrap myself in it before grabbing the remote and pressing play.

The boys got to choose what movie we watch, so for tonight, they chose a genre I absolutely hate. You guessed it, horror. It doesn't matter if it has a tiny cup of blood, I'll still scream and get freaked out. But, for the sake of them, I'll suck it up and watch it.

"Ready to be..." Hands-on my shoulders make me scream and hide my face. "Well, I guess you're already scared." I scoff and show an eye, "No kidding, let's just get this over with so I can cook dinner." Yagi laughs before telling us to shush. Nodding I look to the screen only to see someone get shot. Screaming I curl into a ball and start shaking.

Time skipty 2 hrs later

Mixing the sauce into the noodles I jump when the door is closed. "Alina? Are you home?"

"In here dad! Also, Yagi and Enji are here, is that okay?"

My dad walks in and smiles, "Yeah that's fine, they staying over tonight?" I shrug my shoulders before wiping my chopsticks. "I don't know, they're in the living room doing some homework. I'll go ask." He hums and kisses my forehead before walking to his room. Putting the chopsticks down I walk into the living room, "You guys staying the night?" The two look up from their books and nodded, well Yagi nodded while Enji grunted. I nod as well before walking into the kitchen to finish cooking.

After cooking the rest of dinner I put it in a bowl, grab some chopsticks and walk to my dad's room. Knocking on the door I wait for him to answer and when he does I sigh when I see another injury. "Another one? Do you need help with it?"

He chuckles before patting my head and then taking his bowl and chopsticks. "It's okay dear, I'll be fine, nothing your old man can't handle." I nod and kiss his cheek before walking out back to the kitchen. Putting the food in three bowls I add all the other stuff before walking out to the boys. "Here ya go, I added more spice for Enji and not so much do Yagi. Ah, shit forgot the chopsticks." Flicking my wrists I make my smoke go into the kitchen to grab three pairs of chopsticks. Handing them to the boys we say our thanks before digging in.

Time skipty

After dinner, I told my dad that we were going out for a walk on the beach. I left my shoes at home, even though I was told I'm going to get sick. When we made it to the beach I smile when I see the water. "Race you guys!" They turn to look at me confused but I'm not there, I'm up ahead with smoke trailing behind me. "Oi, you cheater get back here!"

Looking over my shoulder I gasp when I see Enji's body flare up with fire. Laughing I shift and try to reach the water faster but a blur of orange flies past me. Groaning I shift back and put my hands on my hips, "Awww man, I thought I'd win that for sure!"

Enji scoffs before ruffling my hair, "As if, train harder then maybe one day you'll beat me."

I roll my eyes before looking to the arriving Yagi, "I already knew I wasn't gonna win." I sigh, "You train so you could've beat me." He shrugs before plopping down in the sand, then Enji and I join him.

We sit there for a couple more minutes staring at the waves move back and forth. I close my eyes and tilt my head backward, "Do you guys think we'll be friends in the future?"

One of them gasps, "Why do you ask?"

I open my eyes and lay back in the sand, "I don't know, I hope we are, I enjoy having you two around." 

"I'm sure we'll be friends Alina, there's no need to worry bout it."

I nod before sitting up and wrapping my arms around the two and pulling them down to my height.

"I don't know what I'd do without you two."

Yagi chuckles before placing a hand on my head, "I'd have to say the same."

Enji grunts then place his hand on my lower back, "You'd probably be some loser, even tho you're already one."

I giggle before ruffling both of their heads, "I..." Some tears gather in my eyes, "I just don't wanna lose you guys, you're my only friends and..." I let out a sob. "I don't know what I'd do without you guys."

"A-Alina!!"The two boys yell

I wipe my tears with my sleeves only for more tears to fall down my cheeks.

"We won't leave, you said you want to go to U.A, well so do we! That means we'll be there together, for all three years!"

I nod even though I still think our group is going to break up. After about 3 or so minutes I stopped crying, "Ha, sorry bout that, I guess I needed to cry."

Enji scoffs, "Is the little baby all better now? Or does she need a bottle?"

I groan before pulling him into a headlock, "Watch it fireball!" He chuckles and grabs my arms, my eyes widen when I feel him start pulling me towards the water. "W-wait! E-Enji! Don't you toss me in that water!" He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. Seeing the water below us I start to squirm around trying to get away from him but it's too late. I'm tossed in the cold water, but seeing that we were close to shore it wasn't hard for me to break the surface. Breathing hard I spit water out of my mouth before standing up. Seeing Yagi and Enji laughing I scoff, "Now I'm gonna get sick!" Walking out of the water I strip off my hoodie leaving me in shorts and a black bra. I start wringing out my watered hoodie not noticing the two boys staring at me with wide eyes and a blush on their faces. Glancing up at them I tense when I see that they're staring at me, or particularly my semi-small chest. 

A blush also creeps its way on my face until I finally turn around. "S-stop staring! It's rude!" Covering my chest I start to shiver from the breeze hitting my wet skin. A warm cloth is placed on my head which makes me look up. Seeing a shirt I lift it, seeing that's twice my size I look over my shoulder to see that Enji gave me his shirt. "Just take my shirt, we don't need any perverts looking at you." I hesitantly nod and slip on the huge shirt.

After that, we started heading back to my house where we finished up some leftover homework. It was good that it was Friday, which means we went to bed late and woke up late.

Edited 6/20/22

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