Chapter 37

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Finally Pregnancy trimester


Yamada stops his 'talking', "Maybe I want to be choked"

I snort and lay my head back down, "You seem like the type of guy to be into choking."

He chuckles which makes me chuckle, and now we're both laughing.

"I walked out for 5 minutes and you both are going crazy"

Our laughing dies down to giggles, "Hehe sorry bout that"

Nemuri sighs and sits down on the end of the bed to massage my feet.

"You're not sorry, but chill, alina is due any day now"

I roll my eyes and rub my belly, they haven't kicked in a while. I was worried at first but Ena said they are just fine.

"Alina,c'mon get up, time for your daily walk."

I groan but nonetheless I'm gently set on my feet. I grab Nemuris hand and Yamadas shoulder.

"Let's get this party started."

I haven't even take a step when a cool liquid runs down my legs. I look down and blink, "Hey Nemuri, I think Yamada pissed and didn't tell us"




I look away from the puddle and up to Yamada, "Why'd you piss on the ground at school? That's nasty"

He groans, "It was one time! The teacher wouldn't let me go!"

I sigh and shake my head, "Doesn't mean you piss on the ground."

He whines and was about to protest but the door slides open.

"Waddup Enji! Welcome to our talk about pissing"

He scoffs and looks down, "Alina"

"That's me"

"Yeah I know, why is there water on the ground?"

I look down before looking back up, "It was Yamada"


Nemuri laughs, "Todoroki, remember when Yamada pissed on the ground in our second year?"

Enji nods, "Yeah it was embarrassing for all of us."

"Can we not talk about it anymore, it's more embarrassing for me than you."

I giggle, "Then don't piss on the ground."

Enji waves them off and grabs my hand, "Your water broke alina,let's get you in bed. Yamada go get a nurse. And don't piss on the ground"

He groans but nonetheless goes. Enji helps me sit down when the contractions start. I grip Enji's bicep and groan, "Get them damn nurses in here" 

A few seconds later nurses fill the room and hep me onto the new gurney. They push out Nemuri and Yamada, they were going to push Enji out but my grip on him was too strong. Since they didn't want to argue they have him coverings that were small.

They put my legs on stirrups, and bam my vagina is out to everyone.

"She's dilated 2 centimeters"

The contractions get worse so I cry and squeeze the bed railing. Enji grabs my hands and starts rubbing my head, "It's okay my love, push and they'll come out"

A nurse who is finally ready gets between my legs and tells me push. Pushing with all I have I feel extreme pain in my vagina.

"Just a little more!"

My quirk activates creating smoke spikes around me, "Get this kid out of my vagina, I am pushing with all I can"

She nervously sighs before spreading the stirrups, I cry out before pushing again. Suddenly a cry is heard, I smile but continue so they get them out.

"I need you to keep pushing miss king"

I groan before pushing even more, it feels like I'm shitting even though I'm not. Makes sense? Yeah good.

Another few seconds of pushing the feeling of a new head frightens me.

"You're almost done"

Enji kisses my head and rubs the sweat off, "You got this babe, keep going"

I squeeze his hand so hard I feel something pop. Shaking it off I continue pushing until the head feeling is gone. But no crying. I open my closed eyes and see the nurses rush to get the baby oxygen.

I sit up, I watch them place the baby next to the other one. One is wrapped in pick and when the other is crying and breathing normally they wrap in blue.

I'm cleaned up and moved into a new room. With nutrition dripping in my veins I watch them wheel in my babies. They start checking something on their boards before one leaves and the other starts moving them close to me. I sit up and gaze into the containers they're in.

"So the girl is perfectly healthy, no diseases, as for the boy, he will have some problems in the future but due to current technology it shouldn't be much."

I nod and continue staring at my kids, "I-uhh I don't plan on keeping them, what do I do know?"

The nurse sighs before handing me a pamphlet, "Your husband here told us you didn't want to risk there safety, so we had called up an orphanage that takes in children of heroes."

I open it up and see statistics about the orphanage, it's great. I just want my kids to be safe.

"Umm, I'll get back to you on this" She smiles before checking my vitals and walking out.

Enji had left for some food, some very much needed food. Now he returned with ramen. I gladly take the food with open arms. He leans down and kisses my foreheads before sitting down and eating his food.

After gobbling my food I turn to Enji, "My vagina hurts"

He snorts before pushing his chair closer, "Like after sex feeling or you just got punched?"

"I don't know how to explain it, just hurts"

He hums before grabbing my hand and kissing the back of it. "You did amazing, I didn't even impregnate you but you still did amazing"

I smile and close my eyes, "I don't mean to ruin the moment but my vagina is numb, I'm ready to go home."

Enji chuckles before playing with my hair, "My words remain, you did amazing."

Smiling I open my eyes and pull him close, I peck his lips before giving him a full kiss. He grunts into my mouth and pulls back. "Like you said, your vagina is numb so if I fuck you, you won't feel it so don't get me all heated up"

I laugh and peck his lips one more time before pulling away, "Nice pun fire man"

He scoffs, "Go to bed, you look hell"

"I'm from hell so makes since"

He laughs before pecking my head and shutting off the lights.

I turn over to face my babies and watch them sleep, smiling I touch the glass.

"You'll be loved, you'll have a good and healthy life, just without me in it."


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