Chapter 15

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I look up from my book and see Enji, I smile and wave to him. "Good morning Enji!"

He grunts and sits down in his chair behind me, I turn in mine. "How'd the whole thing go?"

I smile and lean my chin on both hands, "She was arrested and is being put on trial. So earlier this morning we fixed my papers."

He nods his head, "Did your stupid fever break?"

I giggle, "I wouldn't be here if it didn't, how about you?"

He flicks my forehead, "Stupid"

I whine and rub where he flicked me, "You'll pay for that!"

He rolls his eyes, "Whatever short stuff"

I groan and was about to reply but someone else calls me. I look over and see that Yagi called me, smiling I look to Enji. "I'll be back"

He looks away, "I don't care"

I sigh and stand up, then walk to Yagi, "Good morning Yagi."

He smiles, "I heard what's been going on recently, though it would've been better if you told me in person"

I sigh before sliding on top of his desk, "Well I didn't want any rumors spread if I told you, I'm not saying you spread any but people now n days are nosy."

He hums, "I suppose that's a good reason, anyways, are you busy this afternoon?"

I raise a finger to my chin in thought, "Ummmm, I would usually hang with Enji but I can hang with you today. Why do you ask?"

He chuckles and rubs the nape of his neck, "It's been a while when just me and you hung out, so I was thinking we could go do something, ya know?"

I smile, "Yeah I don't mind, I'll also have to let dad know since he's so protective but I don't blame him. I'm the number 5 heroes kid so people would go for me."

Yagi nods before grabbing my hand and rubbing the back of it, "Yeah but since you'll be with me you'll be safe, I wouldn't let anyone lay a finger on you."

I hum, "And I don't doubt you, I'm gonna head back to my seat now, see ya, Yagi!"

I hop off the desk and walk over to my seat.

Time skipty

"Alright class, today we'll be picking class president and vice. I should've done this the second day of school but I had other plans."

We were standing around in a circle with Electris in the middle. We were also in our hero costumes, mine was a dark grey tight body suit with black bands around my wrists, thighs, and one around my neck. On my face is a black mask that filters out toxic oxygen, my right thigh was a pouch with a small compact knife and, my shoes had retractable spikes just in case I need to stay put. I can't have too much stuff on me or I won't be able to shift without showing anything.

"The way I'm letting you all choose your class presidents is a simple one-on-one. I'll be choosing who goes against each other. Line up!"

Everyone nods and lines up in number order from #1 to #20.

"Yamada v Toshinori"

I hear a sigh, I look down the line and see the two walk out onto the field. I lean on one leg and watch the two begin to fight.

At first, it was going well for Yamada until Yagi fakes him out and punches Yamada in the face making him pass out immediately. My eyes widen in surprise before I look at Enji who looks the same.

"Alina, when did he learn how to do that?"

I release a shaky breath, "Haha I wish I knew"

That round was over and the next was up, "Todoroki v Nemuri"

The girl who produces pink smoke steps forward, so I quickly grab Enji's arm and pull him down to my height.

"Careful with her, the smoke she releases makes you pass out."

He grunts before nodding so I let go of his arm.

When the round began, Nemuri released her smoke letting it slowly cover the field and even letting it get closer to us. I groan before holding out my hand letting my smoke float out and make a wall separating us and the pink smoke.

"Miss King, you're interfering again"

I look over to see Electris with crossed arms, "I'm simply making sure my classmates don't pass out due to someone not being able to keep their quirk in control. But I'll gladly let my classmates pass out if that's what you want."

She raises an eyebrow so I lift my hand making my smoke wall lift letting the pink smoke slowly move closer to my classmates. Some yelp and move back while some try to move it back with their quirks but it makes it go up into the air making it get closer.

"Miss Electris! We have a problem! Her quirk is coming closer to us and her smoke makes us pass out!"

Electris scoffs before looking at the kid, "You're a hero, solve it yourself, if you're in a situation like this what would you do? You need to solve things like this if you want to become a hero."

I scoff before letting my hand drop, "Fine then"

I look back to the fight just in time to see Enji punch Nemuri in the face. But that doesn't mean her smoke disappears. I raise a hand and gather her smoke into a sphere. I raise my other hand and clap making the sphere pop and the smoke dissipate.

"Thank god we have someone like king, if not then we'd all be on the ground"

I sigh and pop my hands, "I won't always be around, so if there comes a situation where smoke is involved don't think I'll be there in a flash. You're trying to become heroes right? Then think of a plan so you can get out, don't always count on someone."

"Alina v uh Ekuto..."

(So ectoplasm accordingly doesn't have a first and last name)

"Just call me Ectoplasm"

I hum and walk onto the field with my hands behind my hand. The buzzer rang and immediately 3 clones surround me. I huff then shift before the 3 jumped where I used to be.

"So you're the hiding type, coward"

I float over to his real body and lean down to his ear.

"And it seems you're the talking type, bigmouth."

Edited 6/20/22

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