Chapter 25

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Dinner, it was going great, dad had taken me out to this new ramen restaurant. It was going good until suddenly someone screams from the kitchen. I drop my chopsticks and look to dad, he grabs my hand and nods to me.

I know what he's about to do, he wants me to leave him. I shake my head and was going to follow him but he's hit with something making him fly into me. Gasping from shock I wrap my arms around him and shift, but, it doesn't work. His body is a dead weight.

My pupils dilate, "Dad! Wake up!" I press my shaky fingers on his neck and sigh when I feel a pulse. Just a low one.

There's screaming everywhere, I smell fire. In the moment I didn't think about the smoke but once I hear someone familiar. I create transfer lines and look through seeing who's who and where they are.

I hold onto dad tighter when I see that man, his line was the closest to me. Shutting off the lines I look up from dad and see that man standing behind the counter with a wicked smile.

I try to scoot back but something heavy is on my foot, glancing down I hiss when I see a broken metal beam on it.

The man tilts his head like a dog and slowly starts moving around the counter. Groaning I pick up dad with my smoke, "I love you dad, don't worry about me" I give his forehead a kiss before sending him off outside where I hear ambulances.

The man gets closer so I gather smoke and shoot it in his face. But he walks through it like nothing.

I start panicking, my breathing gets heavier and my vision becomes blurry. For one last hope I try something I've never done, I gather enough smoke from around. He gets closer and closer until I scream and force the smoke into his body.

I feel it going through his lungs and brain. My vision is filled with tears while I force this man on his knees in front of me. He tries reaching out to me but I punch him back.

Everything stops, no sounds but the fire, the mans body thumping on the ground. And me, sobbing, blood running out of my nose and some down my forehead. Using the last of my energy I force the beam off of my leg. I push with my arms until I finally get it off.

My body starts shaking from shock,my vision becomes blurry and black dots start showing up. The last thing I hear before I pass out is a sweet voice.

"It's gonna be okay Alina,I've got you"

Time skipty

"The most serious injuries are her fractured ankle and concussion. Though she might have more, she's been asleep for too long so we couldn't figure what else was wrong"

Groaning I try to open my eyes but they're too heavy. Some gasps are heard before someone runs out, then two more people run in.

"Alina,sweetie can you hear me?"

I flutter my eyes open and try to keep them open, I keep trying until I eventually keep them open. Looking around I notice I'm in a hospital.


I look over and see Akuma sitting next to my bed.

"Akum...a" my voice is very raspy.

She smiles and grabs my hand gently, "The doctors are gonna check up on you okay?" I nod and watch her walk out. Looking over I see the doctor holding a clipboard.

"Hello Ms.King,I'm Doctor Amy, we're going to examine you okay?"

She grabs her stethoscope and starts checking my heartbeat. Then my eyes, which makes my head hurt. She finishes up and sends Akuma back in. We sit for a little bit.

"Ho...w long?"

She sighs, "A month"

I nod and look to her, ""

She bites her lip before standing up and rolling a wheelchair over. I look at her confused but she picks me up and gently sets me down in the chair. She rolls me out and starts heading to the room next door. She stops in front of the curtain and pulls it back revealing dad. Who has wires connected everywhere.

I gasp and hold an hand to my face, I move to get up but she grabs my shoulder and gently sits me down.

"Don't get up, I'll move you over"

She rolls me next to his bed and I quickly grab his hand and hold it to my face. He's cold. Tears roll down my face and onto his hand.

" wake-up" I lean my head down and close my eyes. "Do...n't leave me alone"

"He's in a coma, not dead"

That wasn't Akuma, clenching my jaw I glare up from the bed and see some lady. She walks in tries to touch dad but I block his face with my smoke. She scoffs and moves her hand through it but I somehow make it solid. But still floating.


She looks at me and clicks her tongue, "I'm his girlfriend I have the right to be here"

I push the smoke back with her hand still in it, "He doesn't date...sluts"

"Enough alina,ma'am you need to leave, you're violating private space of two pro hero's."

She rolls her eyes before walking off, I sigh and release the smoke.

I start playing with his fingers and glance to his heart monitor. It's stable.



I glance over my shoulder, "I want to get stronger, I...don't want to feel this weak."

She smiles and rubs my head, "Then let's get started, I'll talk to Nezu about some arrangements."

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