Chapter 3: Protecting A Pup

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A week had passed since Tokyo arrived. Ever since he grew more and more emotionally attached to London... As you can imagine, he was very loving - too loving as a matter of fact.

"Eh, Tokyo... I don't need any soup, I'm fine" London replied, trying to get Tokyo to feed the bottomless pit (Veeyoshi) the soup.

The shiny Eevee growled menacingly, London began sweating, "Fine - last bowl"

After finishing the bowl of soup, he took the bowl before London could put it away himself, Tokyo took the bowl for him.

"That soup is actually pretty good," London said to himself.

Then Tokyo pulled London in for a hug, the Eevee felt like he was being constricted by an Ekans.

"Okay. Can you let me go? Your love is gonna kill me" London wheezed.

Tokyo let go, "Sowy"

London sighed, "At least your English is better"

Isabel laughed to herself, "Did it ever occur to you that he loves you for saving his life?"

"I know! But now I guess it's just because I'm his brother" London replied, rubbing his head in a loving manner. Tokyo sighed and cuddled in with London.

"Yeah, he's very docile" Isabel replied, then her phone began vibrating in her pocket.

"Yes?" She said, there was a pause and she looked down at Tokyo after a moment.

"Okay" Isabel replied, then she hung up. London's smile went away.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Kovar knows why Tokyo was shot" Isabel replied, she tossed London an Eevee sized coat and the two left the house, they didn't even get to the corner when little Tokyo knocked London over.

"Gah! What do you need now?!" London groaned as he rubbed his head.

Tokyo had a lonely look on his face, and he began to whimper nervously. Isabel was impressed at his determination to stay by London's side. It reminded her of her brother's determination when he was a soldier in the British Military.

"Why do you like following me?" London groaned.

"I fweel safe," He said to London.

London sighed and looked up at Isabel, she shrugged.

"Fine, you can come... But on one condition" London replied.

Tokyo tilted his head to one side, London blindfolded the Eevee. Tokyo didn't mind, he just stuck his tongue out.

"Nice thinking" Isabel said, unlocking the Range Rover for London and Tokyo. About twenty minutes later, they arrived at MI6 headquarters. They met Kovar in the office and watched him pace the room, General Greene the Arcanine was also there staring at Kovar as if he had lost his mind.

"Um, how long has he been doing that?" Isabel asked.

"23 minutes - I'm not even joking" Greene replied as his eyes continued to follow the Umbreon pacing the room. About a minute later he noticed London and Isabel had arrived so he sat down and straightened his tie and adjusted his glasses.

"We have some bad news" Kovar replied.

"Yeah... I think my little brother being shot was already pretty bad news" London replied, rubbing a blindfolded Tokyo's head.

"You can take the blindfold off of his eyes now" Kovar replied.

"Aren't you gonna -" London started.

Agent London Flareon Volume 2. 🇬🇧🇯🇵🇸🇪🇫🇷🇮🇪Where stories live. Discover now