Chapter 17: A Girlfriend's Visit

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London was watching the telly cuddling with Benoit. The Eevee grabbed his face and started messing around with it.

"Hehehe squishy" Benoit giggled.

London smiled and started tickling him, Benoit began laughing wildly, "Ticklish!"

"Ahh! No! Stop it! Buah Le quitter!  Arrêtez! Ahh s'il te plait!" Benoit squealed rolling around the couch and giggling happily.

Then London stopped and the two laughed together as London hugged him, Benoit kissed him on the mouth. Isabel finally packed up her stuff and led her bag to the door.

"Hey London! I'm gonna go okay?" Isabel called.

"Ah! Wait!" London shouted as he scurried off the couch to meet Isabel.

"Have a safe flight" London said, then he kissed Isabel.

"You take care! Watch over him for me Benoit!" Isabel said, Moonlake was outside giving London baby doll eyes.

London sighed, and waved at him. A disappointed Moonlake still waved back to London. Isabel then escorted him to the Uber. Then London wondered... Where was Veeyoshi. Then the Eevee appeared behind London eating a spicy chicken quesadilla.

"Why are you here?!" London shouted.

"Mummy said I can stay here" Veeyoshi replied, taking a bite of the quesadilla.

London and Benoit facepalmed, "Can you two go upstairs if your just gonna make out?"

London and Benoit sighed, "Fine"

Veeyoshi changed the channel while London and Benoit shuffled upstairs to their room, Benoit leaped on the bed while London sat down at the desk and checked his e-mails. Benoit smiled and crawled off the bed.

"Come on... I'm cold" Benoit giggled.

"Come on Benny, work comes first" London said, still clicking on e-mails.

Benoit sighed, "Fine I'll wait" He pouted.

Once London caught up on his e-mails he took off his glasses and set them on the computer before plopping onto the bed in an exhausted fashion, Benoit pulled him under the covers with him and let London kiss him roughly on the mouth. Then the doorbell went off again and London lifted the blankets and got off Benoit who was catching his breath as he giggled at the kissing he did with London under the bed. At the door London was surprised to see Cairo, alone by herself, London was confused so he looked around for Rico's car.

"Umm" London started, totally confused.

"I just wanna hang out, Rico has a class"

"A class?"

"Yeah! He takes these coding classes with his friends" Cairo replied, "May I come inside?"

"Sure" London replied, the Flareon was a bit confused as to why Rico's fiance suddenly turned up at his doorstep.

London made Cairo some tea and gave it to her, she took the saucer and set it down next to her. Benoit pounced on London and began licking him affectionately, "Hey stop it! No! No! Please! Stop! Haha!"

"Aww" Cairo went.

"Cairo -" London picked Benoit up and rested him on the coach.

"This is Benoit, he's from Paris!" London replied, "Benoit this is Rico's girlfriend, Cairo"

"Oh! I've been to Paris!" She replied excitedly.

"What did you think?" Benoit asked, hoping to here a positive reaction, his tail wagging excitedly.

Agent London Flareon Volume 2. 🇬🇧🇯🇵🇸🇪🇫🇷🇮🇪Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora