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Forbes Residence

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Forbes Residence

Caroline is walking back and forth in her bedroom, preparing for school for the early day, with Damon and Rosie present as well as the blonde speaks, "So Sarah attacks Tyler and he pushed her away and she tripped and she fell and she hit her head. At least that's what I heard from my mom." She nods even though she knows that Rosie actually twisted the actual truth from them to prevent suspicion and unwanted attention by the accidental kill. The only calculative person to blame for her death would be Katherine.

Rosie continued to finish the trails off, "Which she heard from me."

Damon shakes his head a little, frowning, "Does Matt remember anything?" If he was genuinely drunk the previous night, then he shouldn't remember and it's better if that's the case rather than raising unwanted skepticism. At least it's better for him to remember that he blacked out because Tyler knocked him unconscious during the violent fight for his unnecessary rudeness when it comes to his recently deceased father. He was compelled.

"Hmm, he thinks he blacked out but I think they were both compelled by Katherine. That's what Rosie told me anyway." Caroline spoke, smiling. It's a fact that they were. Otherwise, they would have stopped because it's crazy. Although it seems that Katherine needs a werewolf for the old curse as well; one unfortunate person needs to die by Tyler in order to trigger his curse. They failed to stop him when he accidentally pushed Sarah to her death.

"Yes, which is why I covered for Tyler and said it was an accident." Rosie admitted, "Otherwise, Carol would freak and so would your mother." Which would be the last thing every one of them would want. Unnecessary panic. The ultimate guilty culprit would be Katherine, for her own selfish needs.

"Yeah, I don't understand that. The guy is a tool." Damon professed; it seems that everyone is a tool — an object — when it comes to Katherine. She never really treats anyone like a person, including Stefan and Damon, and now Tyler, Elena, even Mason and George Lockwood. Everyone but Rosie, because as much as anyone tried to use her, she remains immune.

Rosie scoffs in disbelief at what he just said, "Everyone is a tool." She gives him a sly look at this statement before she finished it, "Everyone but me."

Caroline shakes her head in denial, "No, nobody is a tool, Rosie."

"Really? Everything has to be sunshine and rainbows with you?" He asked as he can't help but feel like he would side with his best friend on this one.

"Gee, duh. Tyler getting blamed for Sarah's death just opens up questions that he can't answer and do you really think that it's a good idea for him to tell his mom he's a werewolf? Yeah, I don't think so." The blonde snapped in defense and pure sympathy for Tyler Lockwood, as if for once in her life. Heck, he would get kicked out of his own home or be captured and burned to death like what they did to the unfortunate vampires. Or perhaps Carol would end up just like Liz, in which she has to be locked in the basement cellar to drain the vervain out of her system for them to compel her to forget that her son was ever a werewolf in the first place. History repeating itself.

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