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Trevor Jake's

"Hello" i answered me phone "hey Trev it's Tamra" she said as I sighed.

Minutes later i arrived at the location she directed me at. It was 2am and totally save.

"Come in" she said as she led me inside "were she at" I asked as I was eager to see me girl.

"She sleep right now, but you can go see her, but uhm, I gotta talk to you first" she said as I nodded waiting for her to tell me whatever she wants to.

"Nela got some hands in this, cause she ain't been around lately and am starting to think she with Josh, that's how she knows Miras every move" she said.

"But why would Nela wanna plan against Mira thou" I asked her. "She always been jealous of Mira from day one so" Tamra said as i nodded. "Damn" I said as I dapped Tamra and went upstairs to the room Tamra said Mira was.

"Baby" I called as I walked in,  Mira was sleep on the bed and I just took ma shoes off and got in the bed with her, holding her body close to.mine.

"You safe baby" I whispered in her ears as she let out a heavy breath, I knew her spirit heard me and so I closed ma eyes letting the peace come over me.

Tomorrow is gonna be a different day.


Excuse me mistakes.....

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