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What was Mr. Livingston doing with a file with my name on it? There was no way I was leaving that office without finding out the answer to that question.

I pulled it out quickly and began looking through it being careful to watch the door. The last thing I needed was Mr. Livingston or one of his goonies catching me.

The first page was information on my financial history. It was followed by a very thorough background report and it got real creepy once the photos started. They dated back months prior and were of my apartment, me coming and going from work, and me in Max's apartment.I couldn't tear my eyes away from them. 

While I was staring in disbelief I heard the office door creek and looked up in a panic. A sense of relief filled me when I realized it was just Max. It didn't escape me that if he had been looking at the other files on the desk, he had to know there was one on me.

"What's the hold-up Lillie, we're running late?" He asked as he entered the office.

I hurriedly put the files away and joined him so that we could head to the car. Just before he opened the door for me, I worked up the nerve to ask the question that was haunting me.

"Max, why does your father have a file on me?"

His face turned as pale as a ghost and his expression completely changed. I was unable to read it and wondered if I had messed up by revealing that I knew about the file.

"Now is not the time Lillie, we will discuss it later," he said very matter of factly.

I took my seat inside the limousine joining Piper and Chase who were waiting on us. I couldn't help but steal a glance at Chase. When my eyes found his, he read me like a book. He knew something was wrong and was asking me what without saying a word.

Piper glanced at each of us awkwardly. She knew something was wrong too. How could she not with Max staring out of the window ignoring us like an arrogant jerk? He had made the switch again, he was back to being Max the prick with one question.

The rest of the ride was mostly silent with Chase attempting to make a few jokes and Piper staring at him like he was some sort of Calvin Klein model.

When we reached the event it was just as I suspected. A bunch of rich people thinking they were far more important than they actually were. If they would just donate the money they spent on the gala itself I am sure that would suffice. Of course, the event was for some ridiculously expensive private school so you would think they could raise enough money with tuition alone.

There was a red carpet rolled out for us and we walked hand in hand like real couples. We had to keep up the charade, that was what they were paying me for after all.

Piper looked like a deer in headlights. She had never been to an event like that and was from the same side of the tracks that I was. She must have felt the same way I did the first time I attended one, like Cinderella with the clock about to strike midnight.

Once we were seated there was a gorgeous silver bucket in the center of the table filled with chilled bottles of champagne. Chase grabbed a bottle and asked who would like some. I offered up my glass immediately. He honestly couldn't pour if fast enough as far as I was concerned.

After seeing that file I was beginning to question everything. What had I gotten myself into? I had always thought the entire situation was a bit strange but that file was the icing on the cake. Like I said in the beginning, he could get any girl he wanted. Why did his father feel the need to go slumming to find one?

Max still wasn't saying much but when a song started that prompted the crowd to fill the dance floor, he extended his hand to me. I reluctantly took it and noticed that Chase and Piper followed close behind us. At least the thought of her feeling like a princess for the night made me smile if nothing else about that night did.

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