42- His worst Nightmare come true

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Jesse's POV

"Jesse Campbell... you have made bail. Please follow me." I catch the officer's eye, and he slides the bar door open, letting me out of the cell. I follow him down the hallways to an office where I had to sign a piece of paper to claim my possessions they'd taken away when they booked me. I signed the paper and they handed me a plain brown paper bag containing all of my clothing and other belongings. The cop led me into an empty locker room, where I changed into my regular clothes and then took out my wallet and looked through it, making sure everything was still there. I put my watch back on my wrist and turn on my cellphone. As it turned on, I noticed a few missed calls from a number I didn't recognize and a text from my beautiful wife. 

Looking at my phone, I read: Hey handsome, Suri went into labor, so I will be at the hospital with her. Let me know as soon as you get home! Letting out a relieved sigh, I walk out of the room to find Luke standing there waiting for me.

"Hi," He says with a smile on his face.

"Hey, back dude." I call back to him as I wipe the smile off of my face. I need to get back to my girl.

"Are you doing okay, man?" he asks me.

I let out another sigh. "I'm afraid something's happened to Makena, but she texted me earlier today that she was going to the hospital because her best friend just went into labor. She was going to be staying there overnight, so I just have to get there." I growl out through my frustrations.

"Then, by all means, let's get you to the hospital!" Luke exclaims as he turns and walks out of the building. I follow him to his car parked just out front, feeling a little better as I climb into the car and watch as he blasts down the street like a bat out of hell to get me to the hospital. To be honest, I was surprised he wasn't pulled over. I was hoping the feeling in the pit of my stomach wasn't true and that Makena and my Baby were both okay and safe.

As he pulled into the hospital's parking garage, I felt a stabbing pain in my stomach, which I grabbed onto and squeezed until it went away. As soon as he parked the car, I jumped out of the car. I rushed inside and went to the information desk. "Please, I need to know what room Suri Stone is in!" I yell out at the woman sitting there. She gives me a nasty look.

"Name, please!" She snaps but gives me a friendly smile.

"It's Jesse Campbell," I reply to her, still feeling the dread in the pit of my stomach.

I watch as she holds up one of her fingers, "One moment..." she grabs the phone and dials a number, I listen to her side of the conversation very closely. It sounded like she was talking to either Suri or to Jake. "Yes........................... Oh, um his name is Jesse Campbell................. yeah......................... no it's just him! ....................................Yeah, I will send him straight up. Sure thing..................................... Oh, you are Welcome!" I watch as she hangs up the phone and points to the elevator and says... "Third floor, labor, and delivery room number 318!" She plasters a friendly fake smile on her face.

"Ummm... Yeah, thanks." I reply as I head to the elevator. While walking past a waiting room I thought I saw Charlie there. But on closer inspection I could see it wasn't her, so I pushed the button and patiently waited for the elevator to arrive.

When the elevator showed up and the doors opened, I climbed inside and pushed the button for the third floor, and waited for the elevator to get there. When the plane reached its destination and the doors opened I saw Jake standing there with a worried look on his face. Knowing my feelings of dread had to be accurate, I rush forward to him... "What's wrong Jake? Something has happened, hasn't it?"

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