Ch.16 Not the same thing

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Chapter 16

"What else do you remember?" Xavier asked as he stood in front of Mavi with his arms folded across his chest.

As soon as the travelers had disappeared from the park, Owen had grabbed Mavi and almost dragged her back to the hotel. She was confused and frightened by the unknown men who behave so strangely. Owen's tense jaw and furrowed brows were also an indication to Mavi that something was not right.

Using her gold ring, Mavi opened a portal in her hotel room and everyone passed through, arriving at the palace. At first, Xavier was surprised to see Mavi home so early. But when he saw the look on Owen's face, he quickly invited him and Mavi into his office.

"The amulet had some kind of marking on it," Mavi tried to recall as much detail as she possibly could. Rye sat next to Mavi on the couch, rubbing her arm as she draped the other one over her shoulder. Exton was leaned up against Xavier's desk and Gemma was sitting in a chair by him.

Everyone around the room wore the same expression of concern and worry.

"It was old Norse," Owen said. He sat on the couch opposite Mavi and Rye. His elbows were placed on his knees as he leaned forward.

"Could you read it?" Rye asked him.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am," Owen shook his head. "I don't know how to read old Norse."

"Are you sure?" Exton asked.

Mavi rolled her eyes, "Eggs, I think he would know if he can read a language or not."

"I was asking about it being old Norse," Exton mouthed.

Mavi rolled her eyes again and Exton looked at Gemma as if to ask what Mavi's problem was.

"I'm sure," Owen said, nodded slowly. "The markings around the dragon's body were pretty distinct."

"Hmm," Xavier pondered. "Exton, send words to the Vicking society. Ask them what they know about travelers with dragon amulets."

Exton nodded as he pulled his phone out. Gemma got up from her seat and walked over to Mavi.

"Until we know what or who they are, I'll put a boundary spell on you," She said as she took a seat next to Mavi. "It'll keep the travelers away. They won't be able to portal within a hundred yards of you."

"Wow," Mavi said blinking, "When did you learn that spell?'

"Last year," Gemma smiled. "Exton was getting on my nerves so I blocked him out."

"Nice," Mavi held up her fist and Gemma bumped it.

"Thank you, Gem," Xavier said gratefully. He then turned to Owen, "Thank you to you as well, Mr. Radacovick,"

Owen rose to his feet and bowed, "Of course, your grace."

Mavi didn't like the way her dad had called Owen Mr. Radacovick. She pressed her lips into a thin line as she realized she wasn't a fan of anyone calling him that way.

"I would like for you and the rest of the King's guards to stay for the weekend," Xavier said to Owen. "Until we have an understanding of these travelers, we don't want to take any risk with Mavi's safety."

Before Owen could answer, Mavi spoke up. "Actually.....I think I can more than just protect myself now."

"What do you mean?" Rye asked, turning to her daughter in her arms.

Mavi looked back at Owen and smiled. Owen gave her a smile and a nod of encouragement.

"There's something I want to show you all," Mavi couldn't stop smiling. Her heart was swelling with anticipation.

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