CH.56 Only about you

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 @alexandrame_ this one is for you, baby girl ;) 

Chapter 56

Mavi gave Heyder a long lasting hard look before she spun her gold ring and opened the portal. In her mind she pictured the foyer of the palace, it's warm air and the scent of fresh roses Mardick always kept by the entrance.

"Ladies first," Heyder said as he ushered Mavi.

"Are you going to disappear when I step through?" Mavi glared at the jinn in the dark.

Heyder smirked as he bit the corner of his bottom lip, "No, princess."

"I don't trust you."

"You shouldn't."

"You go first," Mavi pointed to the open portal.

"And leave you here all by yourself?" Heyder looked at her as if the idea was absolutely ludicrous.

"I am a dragon."

"And there are dragon hunters."

Mavi rolled her eyes at how difficult he was being. She just wanted to go back home to Owen and get this spell over with.

"Together?" Mavi sighed, coming to the only solution she could think of.

Heyder nodded and held out his hand for Mavi to take.

"I am not holding your hand," Mavi scuffed.

Heyder dropped his hand and took a step forward. Mavi's eyes widened at his closeness as she tried to take a step back. But just as the idea formed in her mind, Heyder's hands shot out and he grabbed Mavi's waist.

Mavi let out a little yelp in protest as the jinn leaned into the portal and the two stumbled out on the other side.

"Get your hands off of me!" Mavi pushed Heyder away in anger. She was about to give him a piece of her mind about thinking it was funny when she suddenly realized they were not in the palace.

The words died on Mavi's lips as she squinted in the bright sunlight and looked around at the tall stone buildings. The narrow streets were mostly empty other than a few elderly men sitting around a coffee shop.

"What is this?" Mavi asked, turning in a circle. "Where are we?"

"Santorini, Greece," Heyder shoved his hands into his pockets and watched Mavi.

"What?" Mavi gasped. "How....did you mess with the ring?"

Heyder smiled, "There isn't much I can't do."

"We need to be at the palace, not Greece!"

"I need breakfast."

"We have breakfast at the palace!"

"I like breakfast here," Heyder shrugged as he began to walk away.

"Stop!" Mavi commanded and to her surprise Heyder actually did stop and turned to look at her.

For the first time, in the dazzling daylight, Mavi got a good look at the jinn. He looked so young. His arms and chest were covered in dark ink tattoos. His sharp jawline and nose made him look unearthly.....but his most striking feature was his narrow brown eyes that made Mavi think he never missed a single thing she did or thought.

"The faster I eat, the faster you get to take me home to your mother," Heyder pointed out to Mavi.

"I am not taking you home to my mother,"

"Then to your father.....even better."

Mavi couldn't believe the man's nerves. She glared as she marched up to him. "We're leaving."

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