Chapter 17 - The First Scan

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After making the call to Martin I helped Shannen getting ready. I noticed her tummy is bigger but she's not gaining much weight.

"What do you think will be our little baby's gender will be?" I hugged her.

"I think it's a girl but I doubt it because I eat too much. Our little one here sure has a big appetite." She giggled.

"Let's go meet Martin so we'll know the result." I linked her hand in mine.

"Yeah I'm sure Martin is waiting for us." She nodded.

Our car ride was filled with baby names ideas that we think will fit our baby until we reached the hospital entrance. We passed the reception area since we already know the way to Martin's clinic.

"Hey man!" I knocked.

"Come on in guys! I supposed we will do the scan now?" Martin gestured his hand.

"Yes Martin." Shannen confirmed.

"Great! So Shannen how's the sickness going?" Martin directly focused on her.

"It's not that bad unlike the first month but I easily gett exhausted and I peed a lot is it normal?" Shannen relay her concerns.

"Yeah it is but be careful and don't over work yourself. With peeing as long there's no blood you will be fine. Now are you ready for the first scan?" Martin gets up on his chair.

"Yes!" I react enthusiastically same time with Shannen.

"Shannen please lie down on the bed then lift your shirt a little so we can see clearly. Now this gel is a little cold ready?" Martin squeezed a tube with gel and placed it on her tummy.

We were quiet while Martin moved the instrument around Shannen's stomach until we heard a strange sound.

"That is the heartbeat of your baby. Guess you will have to think of two names man. You're having fraternal twins." He pointed the arrow on the screen.

"Twins?!" Shannen and I exclaimed.

"Do you guys want some print outs of the scan?" Martin fixed the machine.

"Yes please and thanks." Shannen eyes still glued on the screen.

"Wait! Is it possible to know their gender?" I inquired. 

"Not yet Shannen needs to reach her fifth month to know. For the meantime I'll give her additional prenatal vitamins then come back here next month to monitor their condition." Martin instructed.

"Man what about foods she needs to avoid? Is it still safe to have sex while she's pregnant?" I suddenly got worried.

"ZAC!" Shannen slapped my shoulder.

"Babe relax I just want to know because I don't want to hurt our babies." I reasoned out.

"It's embarrassing." I gained a tough glare from her.

"Before you kill my cousin let's go back to our topic. Shannen you need to eat more and stay healthy the twins need more nutrients since you're eating for three people. With sex, yes it's totally fine so you're still good I'm not sure if Shannen will allow you though." Martin watched us in amusement.

"Did you hear that babe?" I can see Shannen still glaring at me.

"Zac don't mess with pregnant woman at times they will tend to be emotional so you have to be patience. One more thing the pregnancy hormones are highly expected too." Martin explanations made Shannen blushed.

"I think we better go Martin right Zac?" Shannen fixed her dress.

"Sure let's get you and our children home. Thanks man for the time and you're invited to our engagement." I put Shannen's coat.

"Damn! When did it happen?" Martin gave the print out.

"Three days ago at Shannen's graduation." I informed him.

"Well double Congratulations then." He hugged us both.

"Thanks Martin. We will give you a call when we finalized the day." Shannen kissed his cheek.

"Sure. Take care and see you next month." He led us out of the room.

"We will make sure of it bro. Later!" I waved goodbye to Martin.

"This is such an amazing day." Shannen never stops smiling.

"Yes it is I'm so happy! We are so blessed to have these two little peas." I placed my hand on her tummy.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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