Chapter 22 -The Business Deal

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I went to dad's office so we can further discuss the contract with Novis. It is one of the leading Companies in terms of steel construction.

"Dad, I'm back." I greeted him.

"Come in! Want some coffee?" He offered.

"It's okay I'll make it." I directly head to the coffee maker

"What do you think about the Novis? Should we consider their proposition regarding the salary deduction for our employees in exchange of providing them more financial stability?" He sipped the hot drink.

"I studied the feasibility of the contract and the proposal seems promising. We will give the Novis their demands provided our people will handle the Finance and Auditing. As for the employees salary, if we decrease it then we need to increase their benefits and provide them additional 5% in over time from their salary. Furthermore the company profit will increase around 10-15% while shareholders and investors will have 5-7% in six months. If we hit the target in the said time frame we can hire more people and by the end of the year the job employment rate will also change courtesy of our Company." I cautiously studied.

"For growing companies like us it was a big thing to hit the target sales of the company in a six month. Usually it happens six to eight months but I believe in your point of view so I will take your advised. Well done my son." He stated proudly.

"Thanks dad. I was just doing my part since this is our Company." I sat on the chair.

"I guess this is also the right time for you to be the CEO. I know it's sudden but I've been thinking of my retirement and I want you to fully take charge of the Company starting from now or after your wedding. Anyway whatever your decision is I will support you." Dad statement gave me a shock.

"Who will take over my position at the finance department?" I was excited but also concern on my team.

"I will let you handle that promotion since you knew them better than I am. I'm sure you can find someone who's eligible and deserving for the position." Dad tapped my shoulder.

"Thanks Dad I'll think about it." I nodded and sipped on my mug.

"How is Shannen doing by the way? I heard from your mom she was... unwell." His term made me think.   

"Are you referring to her pregnancy dad?" I made a wild guess

"Finally you already knew I was close in telling you. It was your Mom who told me the news when you came by to her shop. She made me swear not to tell a single soul. That same night I realized it's time for me to reconcile with Shannen." Dad sat beside me. 

"All your words of appreciation and this revelation really caught me off guard. Thank you for giving Shannen a chance and our relationship." I did a father/son hug.

"Same goes to you my son. Thank you for giving us the grandson we wanted especially your mom. She was bugging me everyday about it you know about the gender." Dad chuckled.

"Actually Shannen and I went to have the first scan and it was incredible dad seeing that baby growing inside her. I still can't believe I am going to be a father." I grinned.

"I totally understand that because I felt the same. So when do you plan to get married?" Dad brings our cup on the tray.

"No date yet but we might announce it on the engagement party. It will be over dinner with close friends and family. I already told mom about it when I called her." I notified him.

"Great! Just let us know when and we will come. We better get back in the conference room." Dad checked the time

I stood up after dad fixed his desk and we head out. When we arrived the group are patiently waiting for us.  

"Gentlemen thank you so much for waiting. We can now continue with the discussion." Dad started soon as we are seated.

"Upon reviewing and analysing your proposal we have already made the decision. We are pleased to announce that you are now a part of Collins Construction." I continued.

"We are looking forward for the best partnership with you. Thank you for accepting our proposition." The investors stand up and shake our hands.

"It's a call for celebration!" One of the investors claimed.

"I would like to celebre with you gentlemen but I promised my fiancé a dinner. I will join next time and it will be my treat." I compromised.

"Of course! We don't want to get into my daughter-in-law's bad side especially now." Dad backed me up with a smile.

"When is the wedding Zac?" One of them commented.

"We will let you know after the engagement and you're all invited." I put my coat.

"That's great! We will be there." Investors affirmed.

"I better head off now. Good night everyone. Bye Dad." I ended our little chat.

"Bye son! Send my regards to Shannen will you?" He smiled.

"Will do Dad same with Mom." I head to the door.

I walked out the building and head to the basement where my car is. While driving I was thinking the suitable candidate for the position. I also need to set up a meeting with my team to tell them the news. I will be busy for the rest of the week I guess but I will make it a point to have quality time with my fiancé. I can't wait to tell Shannen about Dad's proposal and the deal.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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