Chapter 24 - The Compromise Argument

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"Good morning beautiful." I felt Zac's lips on mine.

"Morning." I uttered lazily.

The morning sickness attacked me again. Zac was instantly beside me holding my hair.

"Babe, I think you better stay here and tell Sherry to come over. I'm worried about you." Zac soothes my back.

"It's okay babe it's normal remember? I'm not cancelling it just because of this. We haven't been able to do much since she came and I also want to drop by at Dad's office to talk regarding my work." I washed my mouth.

"Babe, since you got pregnant maybe its best you don't work and just stay home until you deliver our kids." Zac scratched his head.

"Zac! You know I wanted to work plus dad and I already talked about it." I raised my voice suddenly.

"Babe I'm just trying to take care of you and our babies. Please relax." Zac cupped my face.

"I understand sorry for yelling and for acting like this." I started crying on his shoulder.

Damn these preggo hormones!

"Shh stop crying I can't bear to see a single tear on you. Let's compromise if you really want to work then let's talk to your dad if it's possible to do it at home. Will that make my wife happy?" He wiped the tears.

"Yes!" I broke to big smile.

"Good. Now my dear wife I need to get ready for work. Call me if you need anything okay?" He kissed my temple.

"What time you have to meet Sher?" Zac get in the shower.

"Around eleven o'clock." I went in the closet.

"You want me to drop you off?" He offered.

"No need babe I'll just take my car besides it's the other way and you need to go to the site too." I reasoned out.

"I can never win this argument with you can I?" He sighed.

"You know it's the logical explanation babe." I placed the dress on the bed.

"Fine just be safe both of you. I love you both very much." Zac cupped my face.

"We will now let's take a shower." I joined him.

After shower we eat our breakfast and Zac left for work and promised to call me from time to time. I also get ready and meet up my sister on our usual spot. When I arrived the smell of the coffee is really intoxicating.

"Hi! Welcome to Starbucks!" The staff greeted me.

"Hi! One grande strawberry frap and carrot cake please. It's Shane for the cup." I ordered politely.

I paid and wait for my orders then proceed to get a table. I was enjoying my cake when I heard my sister's name. She was holding her favourite pie and mocha frap.

"Hey my preggo sis! How's the bun in the oven going? You didn't make me sleep last night now I'm having a big circle under my eyes. Good thing they created cucumber. Thank God!" Sherry hugs me.

"Well the babies are fine always craving for peanut butter and strawberry. Then Zac goes over protective it's like I'm not allowed to do anything!" I sounded irritated.

"He is just looking after you and the baby." My sister defended Zac.

"Stop with the guilt." I sipped my drink.

"Wait! You mentioned babies are you saying---" She realized my statement.

"Yup! I'm having twins!!" We squealed.

"What the F---" She cut her words.

"What did I say about cursing?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Relax as if the babies know what's the meaning of F---" She started and I shoved the pie in her mouth.

"One more from that word and I swear to holly molly. I will shove this whole plate including the fork." I threatened her.

"Okay Mother Theresa I'll behave for my nephews/nieces sake. Anyways what was Zac reaction?" She wiped her lips.

I started telling her everything from the scan and the argument with Zac about work.

"I think he does have a point Sha it's too risky especially you're having twins. You are so lucky to have Zac around not a lot of guys are like him." She has this admired tone for us.

Then an idea popped in my head and I couldn't help but smile.

"You might find one soon." I gave her a smile perhaps a little cupid's help is what she needed.

"I still can't believe the grumpy troll apologized to you." Her choice of words always made me laugh.

"Yeah I think he meant it Sher. Mom talked to Zac and same thing happened you know." I sliced my pastry.

"Is it apocalypse days? Or they both wake up from the wrong side of the bed three days ago." She giggled and I did too.

"It seems weird though. Oh well at least there's no more issues between them. The only thing left is between you and Mom." I pointed out.

I'd be happy to see that they get along again. Thinking about their relationship made me sad.

"Let's leave that for now." She commented flatly.

After having brunch we went to the Mall and do some shopping for my new maternity clothes. I didn't complain since my size is getting bigger this past few weeks. We talked about her life in Italy, her exhibit and everything that we can think of. I'm so sad to hear her relationship ended again. I actually thought they will get married maybe she's meant to be with someone else. Sherry is leaving in two days so we want to spend more time as possible. After endless shopping we are finally at the parking lot on the way home.

"Give me your key." She motioned her hand.

"I can manage to drive us home." I declined holding the keys tight.

"Oh no you don't Missy. First, I'm older than you for two years." She raised her two fingers.

"Thanks captain obvious." I mocked her.

"Second, you're pregnant and I can see you're tired. Third, if I don't get you home safe I might begin digging my grave. You know how Zac is he will strangle me for sure so if you don't want to see your dear sister ten feet off the ground better give me that." She grabbed the key off my hand.

"Fine what more I can do? You emotionally blackmailed me and snatched the key." I sighed in defeat.

"Stop sulking and get in." She demanded. 

"You are worse than Zac." I occupied the front seat

I let her drive my baby and totally forget that I need to go at Dad's. It was almost dinner so he is probably at home. I might as well just talk to him at the engagement party.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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