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Hey, you!

Yes, you, thank you so much for not just leaving after the epilogue.

You just lended a good look at this chapter and let's appreciate this lovelies together

Let's we just start with the amazing covers made by Sasanka54.

I was loving both of his covers so much!

Thank you, brother!

Thank you, brother!

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Next will be the appreciation post that I will be giving to all of my readers, sorry that I couldn't point out each and everyone of you so I'm saluting altogether with a big;

Next will be the appreciation post that I will be giving to all of my readers, sorry that I couldn't point out each and everyone of you so I'm saluting altogether with a big;

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You guys are the best!

I started this story, expecting that I wouldn't get that much of loves or attention,
but you all failed me.
( ◜‿◝ )♡

I love you guys so much!

Will meet you guys in my ongoing stories and please don't forget this couple which I would like to ship as, Noella.

Your right, it's their daughter's name hahaha, ignore me if you had already noticed it but drop in a comment if your just realising it😂

#untilltomorrow, signing off M. Kirthana

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