41| Reversed & Cursed

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"Ew, this feels so weird," 

I whine as Bahra applies the cool jelly-like substance on my muscular abdomen while I lay back on our bed. Every time I went into the bathroom I always lifted my shirt to see if there was a difference but I couldn't see a change. Maybe all three of my mates are crazy and I'm just really sick. Or this is the best and longest prank they've played yet. 

"Are you okay Daddy?" Waylon asked as he poked the jelly with a single finger while he cuddled his stuffed rabbit and sat in Tristan's lap. 

"Nope, daddy's just a big baby," Noah answers him, purposefully ignoring my glare. 

"I don't think daddy liked that," Juni giggles and fist bumps her papa like making fun of me is their favorite past time. 

"You guys are too cute," Bahra tsks as she starts applying the little dots over my stomach in a strange pattern with the TV hanging over the fireplace reflecting my insides.

 As she did her work, I looked over and watched Remy. He laid on the leather couch beside our bed holding our sleepy babies Clem and Cy against his chest. Carefully watching over their little bodies as they napped and held them close. Now here we were, adding another infant to our expanding family. Remy caught my daydreaming gaze and raised his brow in curiosity. 

You okay Mase? 

Yeah, I just love you is all 

"Alpha Mason?" Bahra snaps her fingers in front of my eyes and I bring my focus back to the flatscreen tv.

"Holy shit," I cursed under my breath when I saw the little alien-like figure floating in what seemed like black empty space. 

"This is your baby," She smiles as she holds a small tablet and controls the screen, zooming in on the tiny nugget I was hosting. I watch the little blob form a small head shape with a body and appendages. 

"Woah! Is that my baby brother!" Wei asked and we all laughed when the little nugget moved.

"We don't know if it's a boy yet Wei," Tristan tells his identical mini-me and Wei pouts. 

"If it's a girl can it still be my brother?" He asked but that was an entirely different topic altogether. 

"Why does my baby sibling look like a booger?" Juniper asks and Noah snorts with laughter. 

"Wow, movements this early aren't common but it's a very good sign that the little one's forming correctly. Their measurements look normal and oh, here's the heartbeat," We all listened as the baby's heart sped up like a tiny train chugging along inside me. 

My own heart probably skipped a few beats when I heard it and I let out a long sigh of relief. 

I told you so

Shut up

I argued with Remy through our link and I didn't have to look at him to know he was wearing his usual smug grin that appears when he's right. 

"Everything looks good Alpha Mason, congratulations!" Bahra was excited as she started to take off the little dots and Noah punched my shoulder. 

"I told you we weren't crazy! Now do you believe us?" He asks and hit him back harder. 

"I'll believe it when I see it," I tell him as I sit up and rub the gell off with a towel. 

"Well, two weeks into this five-month pregnancy you should start showing any day now. How is your morning sickness?" She asks and I audibly groan by just hearing the word.

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