Reference Piece: Noah's Family Tree

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Hey, what's up, Ryley here. 

Gonna start off by answering all of your questions, thank you so much for your submissions! 

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who comments, you really don't know how much it means to me when I get to see you either freaking out with happiness or shocked by a plot twist. I treasure each and every comment and it always makes a difference in my writing. 

I also wanted to say this is actually the first book where I had a little bit of help with my plot. So give it up for my amazing best friend and wife Ash for getting me through my writer's block and never making fun of my writing.

For example, I told her my original plan for Remy (It didn't happen thanks to her) and she said it was waaaaaaaaay too fucked up even by my standards so together we came to a middle where he's mated to the trio.

Then I'm just sitting at the dining room table writing my writer's notes and Ash is just chilling with the puppies on the floor. I'm like what if...Mason becomes pregnant? And we just both broke down laughing so hard. It took us FOREVER to weigh the pros and cons of whether or not Noah or Remy would be the other father. She said Remy and I said Noah then after a lot of convincing I went with Remy. We were squealing in the kitchen when we figured out the perfect plot point. Honestly, best decision ever though and I'm so lucky to have her. 

So question time? 

In the sneak limited-time preview I gave of book three, why did it say something about Juniper's parent's dying? 

(Author goes into top secret drafts) 



Juniper screamed as she was forced to make the choice. Either to save her twin brother Waylon or save her greatest treasure in life, her father.

Until her father made the choice for her.



Welp, there's a reason why that's back in the drafts and it's because I gave a few spoilers to the fans who came over from the 1st book. Yeah I'm not gonna spoil this one further. Although I can tell you this scene doesn't happen until the twins are in their teens which will be book three. So don't worry about it now. 

It's not what you think it is. 

Why is Noah not as important as Rem/Mase/Tris? Isn't this his story? 

This was never just Noah's story. If it was, the world would revolve around just him which it doesn't. It takes you through the worlds of all four of these rambunctious mates and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Why does this character not have a lot of pov's?

Well as an author, I pick my POV not out of emotion but out of who's really going to push the story forward right now? 

Like this last chapter, I picked Juniper cause y'all need to know that 1. Mason is still asleep, 2. Waylon and Alexei are mated and 3. Juniper is extremely overprotective of her brother which is only getting worse as they grow in age.

Also you needed a touch of innocence before the Noah x Remy's very steamy chapter coming next. 

Anyway it's like playing The Sims Game. You know when you get to control people? Well if you had two people living in a house and one person's out and about on a jog with the dog while the other's freaking out about to die because they accidentally burned the house down, who's POV is going to advance the story and be more interesting? 

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