Meeting My Family-21 pt.2

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Chapter 21 Pt.2
Layla's POV

"If you are ok to talk about it with us. Could you tell us what happened." My mom asked carefully.

I nodded my head yes.

They are my family they should know.

I look up to my parents and my brother. The 2 girls are playing with toys off in their own land. Good they dont need to hear anything bad.

"Layla, if you want I could tell them." Ryder asks me softly holding my hand that was under the table.

I shook my head no. "No. Its ok. I'm ok, I think I should be the one to tell them." I said looking to him. He nods and I turn my attention to the people in front of me again.

"You see. I left Susie less then a week ago. Susie wasn't ever physical abusive." I say and see the relief in their faces. Sorry but that's going to change soon. "She did hit me once. And that's why Ryder moved me out. But like I said she wasn't physical abusive but mentally abusive." I stopped to see multiple emotions run across my parents and my brother face's.

"What would she do?" Michael asked.

I returned my gaze to the table as I said "She would come back to the house scary drunk and would tell me things like I was worthless and..."

I didn't know how my parents were going to react at Susie saying they left me.

"And?" My dad asked.

"Don't get mad please." I asked not wanting them to yell.

They all nodded and I continued "Susie would tell me that you left me to her. That you thought I was a burden. I was worthless." One lone tear fell from my eyes as I remembered all the yell and cursing she would do to me.

Ryder brought my head up and wiped the tear away. He looked back at my family and said "Why don't we change the subject to something happy. If you would like to know more about that issue I can tell you. But Layla is still getting out of that head space."

Ryder was acting protective. Not from other people but from my emotions. It was really cute if I wasn't on the brink of crying.

"Like she said it has only been a few days sense she was taken out of that house." Ryder says making my family nod and we moved on to happier conversation.

I learned that Emma and Eva are 7 and they love their school and class being in the 1st grade. Michael is 19 almost 20. He is in college for business like our Dad. But it was weird when I asked what business Dad worked for and Michael would be joining he said it didn't matter and went to ask Ryder what he does.

Ryder natural says he works with his father in his fathers company that works with peoples money. I knew he wasn't saying the truth but it also seemed my family could tell as well. And that wouldn't be very good.

We talked alot and I was happy when we had to leave a few hours later. I felt like I know my family now. They invited me and Ryder over for dinner which we agreed to.

We waved good bye to them as we got into the car and Ryder drove off.


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