Happy Birthday Bakugou!

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(Bakugou's P.O.V)

I made my way down to the first floor, my hands stuffed in my pockets as I tried to greatly ignore everyone.

"Happy Birthday Kacchan!" Deku shouted the moment he seen me.

I growled, "Shut up Deku!" I started to walk past.

"Yeah Happy Birthday Bakugou!" Kirishima moved over to me.

"Whatever Shitty hair! Have you seen (Y/N)?" I questioned him.

"Oh yeah her and the other girls left about an hour ago." Kirishima responded.

"Huh?!" I yelled.

(Y/N's P.O.V)

I sighed as I looked around the merchandise store. I wasn't sure at all what to get Katsuki and the others came along with me to help but I wasn't entirely sure.

I turned to look at Nami, she was staring up at the figurines of her, talking to the girls of 1-A about some hero story.

I heard my phone ding, I pulled it out of my pocket to see that Katsuki was calling me.

I hung up because I didn't want him to know that I was out looking for his gift.

"How's it going over here, (Y/N)?" I turned to look over my shoulder.

Mina was standing next to me, a smile on her face.

"I'm not entirely sure what to get him, ya know? I want to get him something All Might related and then have Uncle Might sign it for me but I'm not entirely sure..." I explain to her.

"You're gonna have All Might sign it?!" She asked in shock.

"Well yeah. I'm sure Uncle Might wouldn't mind." I shrugged a bit.

"I have enough money and Auntie Nami said she would cover anything if I went a bit over my budget so..." I spoke to myself but something caught my eye.

My ears shot up and I quickly dashed to the other side of the room. I look over at the store clerk and I smiled brightly at him.

"I'd like to purchase that item please!" I pointed at the object on display.

He nodded his head, gently taking it down and wrapping it up only to sell it to me after.

"You really just bought him that, huh?" Mina asked me.

"Yes I did." I smiled at her.

"Alright! Guys we should go back to the school and start setting up for the surprise party. Mina is gonna stay with (Y/N) while she makes another stop." Nami spoke up.

"Sounds like a plan!" Mina cheered.

We all said our goodbyes and I turned to look at Mina.

"Okay we're going to meet All Might at a restaurant!" I smiled at her.



We walked into the restaurant. It was the place that Katsuki took me after our first fight at school.

The place he bought me Kimchi... We've been coming ever since.

"There's All Might." Mina spoke up, snapping me out of my daze.

I turned to see him slightly wave at us, we went over and sat at the table.

"So what did you get him, (Y/N)?" All Might asked.

I put the bag on the table and carefully unwrapped it.

It was a rare All Might Video game. The little console was a gameboy and I was going to have Uncle Might sign the console for him.

"Oh! I remember when this was released." All Might smiled at us.

"He's a huge fan and I'm sure he'd enjoy it... Could you sign the gameboy for me?" I asked him.

"Anything for you." He smiled as he signed the gameboy.

After he signed it and we wrapped it up, we went on our separate ways. I asked to have the kimchi ordered and delivered at the school and that they would be able to get on the school grounds due to special permission.

Mina and I left the store and we paused for a minute.

"Is that all we needed?" Mina asked.

"I'm pretty sure. What time is it anyways?" I asked her in return.

"It's 5:00 pm. The party starts at 6:00 pm." Mina tells.

"Great! We have plenty of time to go then!" I smiled and we went off on our way.


The time had come and Kirishima was dragging Katsuki to the main school building.

We were all standing and waiting since you couldn't really see into the windows but you could see out.

The door clicked and in walked Katsuki.

"Happy Birthday Bakugou!!" Everyone shouted, confetti had went off.

He blankly stared and tried to leave but we convinced him to stay.

We had all the presents on one table and Katsuki was opening them. Giving slight compliments about the gifts yet still being aggressive.

I was outside waiting for the man to deliver the kimchi while I had my gift in hand.

"Here's your kimchi! I'm sorry it was a bit late!" He apologized.

I shook my head, "It's fine! Have a good day!" I replied before walking back into the building.

The kimchi was already delivered in a bowl and was still very hot, yet with my quirk it was bearable.

"Where's (Y/N)?! She's been rejecting my calls all day!" I overheard Katsuki yell.

I sighed before turning to look at him. I walked over to the table he was at and quickly sat the kimchi in front of him.

"Enjoy." I smiled at him.

He stared up at me, "What is this?" He asked.

"It's kimchi. Try it." I encouraged him.

I watched as he went to eat it yet a viable grin was on my face as I watched him eat it.

It was hotter than the one he was used to. I started hysterically laughing as I watched him get frustrated over the heat.

"Oh I almost forgot! I have this also." I reply.

It was a simple box to hold the neatly wrapped gameboy. It had a letter attached to it.

I watched as he went to open up the box, he had neatly sat aside the letter though but he jumped up when he seen the gameboy.

"It's even signed..." He muttered.

I nodded my head as I felt him grab ahold of me.

He was hugging me in front of everyone which was an odd thing for him to do so it resulted in several comments.

I hugged him back, "I love you." I whispered to him.

"I love you too." He whispered in return.

I pulled away and looked up at him, "Happy Birthday." I smiled.

Authors Note:

This isn't the best I could've written and I'm sad about it but there is a lot going on and I just wanted to write something for Bakugou's Birthday. I hope you enjoyed!

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