Chapter 11 - Tough Reminder

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Limping towards my only hope of comfort and warmth at this early hour, I desperately try to block out the memories from last night. 

After Jimin had beaten me to a pulp I spent the rest of the night in that exact spot wallowing in self pity. I couldn't comprehend the events that had just taken place and the immense pain that tormented every inch of my broken body. That was when I realised that anything he did for me was purely because it probably could've benefit him in some way, I feel like a fool for believing maybe some part of him still cared. When he held my hand it was only so he could sleep in peace, when he beat up my dad and the creep in the alley way it was because I am his property to take his anger out on and nothing more. I thought the Jimin that I use to know was still here somewhere hidden, but I now realise that the boy I use to know is dead, because he would never have done that to me. I suppose I should've expected it, he did say to me the bullying was only going to get worse, and here I am. 

Eventually, I gathered just enough strength to pull myself off of the cold, hard ground. I wandered the streets for the remaining hours of night before visiting Jay B. I couldn't stay at his last night as his family had something going on but he said he would be there the next day so although it's early I try my luck.

Without hesitation, I knock loudly on the door of my bestfriends house. After a couple more tries and a few minutes waiting it swings open to reveal a half naked, sleepy Jay B. 

"You're lucky it was me and not some random person! Put a god damn top on will you?" I scold as I enter the warm house.

He ignores me and gapes at my face, "what the fuck happened to you?" He interrogates seriously.

"I'll explain later, just let me sleep here for a bit, pleaseee." I plead and he reluctantly allows it seeing my obvious situation. 

"why are you sleeping at this time anyway, it's morning not night." He gestures towards the window, showcasing the sunrise as it's about 5:30am.

I don't reply too immersed in the comfort his bed is providing me as he climbs back into the bed and we both drift off again easily. As I've said before we may as well be blood related, so sleeping in the same bed is completely platonic and casual for us.


The familiar screams capture my mind, sending me into a trance. I feel compelled to find the source. I tear my body away from the warmth of my bed and walk through the welcoming, homely house.

I go onto my tiptoes to reach for the lock on the door that towers over me as I'm only 10 years old. Opening the door the screams grow louder, almost deafening. The voice of the women holds a certain familiarity keeping me on edge.

Abruptly, all my actions halt as the image before me gets revealed. I feel my breathing hitch and my pulse drastically increase.

It can't be? This isn't real, it needs to not be real!

I'm now wishing I had never left the comfort of my own bed.

I drop to my knees, a numb feeling engulfing my body. Tears I didn't even know were there are now streaming down my face.

There, right infront of me, is my mother. My precious mother, lifeless. Her eyes half ajar and blood running all down her face. She's dead. She's actually dead.

Suddenly an aching feeling runs through my veins, it's agony, it's heartbreak. The pain is excruciating, quickly becoming unbearable.

I scream.


Panicked, I sit up and breathe heavily. That nightmare won't stop tormenting me, it took me years to finally overcome it and now not even 7 months after it stopped invading my mind it has returned, as ruthless as ever.

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