♤alone and pregnent♤

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I'm pregnant. Eight fucking months pregnant and Colby hasn't been there for any of it.

Me and Colby were happy. And then I found out I was pregnant. Ever since then hes barely been in my life.

Were dating for God's sake. I dont know what I did wrong but he just left. He barely comes home, and hell even when he his hes home around 2 then gone in the morning by 8.

He hasn't been through any of it with me. It's his baby too. And to make it worse: Hormones. They suck. It's like one minute your fine and the next you want to break everything.

And its upsetting because, who set up the nursery? Me.

Did Colby even go to any doctor appointments? No

Did he even make it to his child's baby shower? No

How about the gener reveal? Still no.

On the day we were gunna have the reveal Colby called and said he was busy, so who helped me? Kat.

Seriously for the baby shower, Sam and Jake even made it but Colby didnt.

And the doctor appointments. Kat was with me for all of them.

Kat is like my baby girls dad. She took Colbys place. I don't even think Copby will be there when I have my baby.

So, with that said, I'm leaving. I'm going home. My family lives in Kansas so I'm going back, that's where I'll have my baby.

You know what makes it more stressful? I'm not even a month away from my due date and I dont even have any names for my baby.

I walk into me and Colbys room to only leave it for him. I packed every single one of my things but left 2 things of mine for colby.

A picture from my ultra sound and a little note that read: I hope your happy

Once all my stuff was packed I texted kat.

Y/n: Kat I'm leaving. I just want to say goodbye and thank you. You have been the best thing in my life since I got pregnant. I love you so much and i am only telling you this because I trust you. I'm going back to my family, please don't tell anyone unless it's an emergency. Thank you Katrina. For being my number 1. I'll miss you. And Sam but he doesn't know I'm leaving.

Kat: Y/n no. Please don't. I'm coming over

Y/n: I've already packed all of my stuff. I'm going to take it to my car now.

Kat: How long will you be gone

Y/n: I don't know. Forever maybe?

Kat: I respect you. I will come visit soon. But I'm not in La rn so I cant say goodbye to you.

Y/n: right now. Goodbye Katrina Stuart

Kat: goodbye Y/n L/n

I made everything in 2 trips then went to the airport.

I finally made it home. I knocked at the door for it to be opened to my Brother.

"Hey" I say

"Y/n?" He quickly gave me a hug.

"Come in" he said taking some of my stuff inside with him.



I pushed as hard as I could, but it hurt so bad.

"I cant I cant do it."

"You can" my mom whispered

"Ok Y/n one last push and you will see your baby girl."

I took a deep breath in and pushed. Harder than before. I squeezed mom's hand and layed back, exhausted.

I heard my baby start crying which made me glad.

"You did it Y/n" my mom said in my ear.

In a second my doctor handed me my baby. She looked just like Colby.

"Hi babygirl."

I named her Daneil bailey L/n.

I was happy. I started renting an apartment In Kansas, I had everything I needed. No men. Woman dont need men.

And the crazy part is, not even 1 text from Colby.



Y/n: who is this?

?: Its Kat

Y/n: hi

Kat: did you have the baby?

Y/n: yes i did.
I'm very happy with my babygirl

Kat: Y/n Colby is.. Broken

Y/n: I wonder who's fault that is

Kat: were you even going to tell Colby you had His baby?

Y/n: no actually.
Kat he did this to himself, he wasn't here for anything.

Kat: so... when can I visit? Or are you coming over here? Not taking no for an answer.

Y/n: I mean, I guess I could visit you on 1 condition.
You have to promise Colby wont be there.

Kat: Y/n you had his baby. He should atleast be able to see her.

Y/n: No he shouldn't because he's the one who practically walked out of my life. You can come over here without him, and vice-versa. I can see Anyone but Colby.

Kat: fine. U come over here :)

Y/n: deal.

Wassup Bitchezz. (Part 2?.)
RIP Corey La Barrie. This was not acceptable what happened. I'm not going to make this a big deal but don't drink and drive please get a uber or Lyft home or where ever you were planning on going. You will be forever missed.
Bye Felicia ✌💞

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