♤♡ Teenage fantasy ♡♤

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We all want a, teenage fantasy, we want it but we cant have it, and when we have it we dont seem to want it. This is how I feel. I dont know what else to do or say. No one here is going to ever understand, or see it the way I see it. And no one will ever change my mind.

I like someone In my school. Were both seniors, yes, but he would never like me. But hes just so perfect, he has the looks, the smarts, the personality, I dont know how anyone couldn't like him.

You see, hes one of the people who fit in with every clique, but dont have one of their own, like me. We have multiple classes together, but have never talked that much, but when we do, I try to take everything in, especially since he and I will be leaving in a couple months.

And dont get me wrong it's not an obsession, it's just a crush.

Its fifth period, and in this class people are doing presentations, I'm doing mine next class cause we barely have anymore time, but hey, what can you do. Right now Colby is presenting and I'm really enjoying it, the concept is very relatable.

Just as Colby finished, the bell had rung, I took this time to gather my belongings and I decided to tell Colby how good his presentation was.

I walked to his desk and stated:

"Hey Colby, sorry if I'm bothering you but I really liked your presentation" I smiled at him.


We both made sudden eye contact and I couldn't look away.

"Do I have something on my face?"

"No, I'm so sorry, I- I- i just r-really like your eyes. They're beautiful." I saw him blush, which made me repeat him.

"I like your eyes as well, Y/n." He smiled back at me.

"Th- Thank you."

"You dont have to be nervous around me you know?"

"Y-ya I know, I'm sorry, I should go." I turned but just then Colby called something out.

"You have something to tell me Y/l/n?"
I turned to see him smirking at me, making my cheeks heat up as my face turned from a (your skin tone) to a shade of red/pink.

"Ya actually, I do." I smiled and looked at my feet.

I heard him walk up to me, and at this point we weren't even 1 foot apart.

"Well? You can tell me." He let out a small laugh.

"I may have a tiney weeny small crush on you." There was a moment of silence before Colby put his hand on my back.

"Ya? Well I have a fat crush on you." I looked up at him and smiled.

"Your joking right?"

"Nope. Not at all."

"Why would you ever like someone like me?"

"Your perfect Y/n. Your actually perfect."

"Ya, sure, I'm sorry if I wasted your time but we should go to class." I felt bad, but I also felt like he was just saying this because he pitied me.

"Would you like me to prove it?" I turned to see him standing there. I gave a airy laugh then turned and started walking again. How would he even do that?

I heard someone running up behind me, and I knew it was Colby.

"Look you cant prove it Colby, please dont pitty me, y-" I was cut off, after being spun around and I suddenly felt a pair of lips touch mine.

I felt butterflies in my stomach, and my heart fall out of my chest. Is this real?! Am I dreaming?!

Suddenly he pulled away and I stood there in shock. 

"Does that prove it?"

"I dont know, do it again?" I smiled and Colby laughed.

He kissed me again, his soft plump lips on mine. I had never felt this way before, but he made me feel good. It was an immaculate feeling, nothing could beat it.

"What about that one?"

"Hmm. Yup. I think that did it, but just do it one more time for me to be sure-"

"Your a dork, now lets get to class" he said holding my hand, walking us to our next classes.

Teenage fantasies aren't as they seem. Its like the only person who could never like me does, but I like him back at the same time. But who knows? Is this gunna end anytime soon? Is it going to become less than it is? I cant say anything but let's hope for the best.


𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒃𝒚 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒌 𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora