♤Its over♤

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"She Wants You Colby." I yelled as we walked into my apartment.

"No she doesnt. Are you blind?!" He yelled back.

"I dont know am I? Or are you. Andrea liked you Colby! She fucking kissed your neck!"

"Oh. My. God. NO SHE DOESNT. Your So FUCKING dumb. She doesnt Fucking like me you--"

"No please, finish that sentence."

"I bet you kiss your little boy toys all the fuckin time. But hey, atleast I didnt sleep with her! Even though she's asked. Multiple times, and ya, she may have kissed my neck, but that's more than what you have ever done for me."

My blood started to boil, honestly, I think our relationship is over, and has been over for a while, but none of really believed that anything would happen, but all the arguing, it's too much.

I took off my heels, one at a time, but continued to throw the other one at the wall.

"You know what Cole?" I turned to him "get out of my apartment."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, clearly us "living" together is nothing to you and this apartment is under MY name. So get the fuck out and take all of your shit with you. Its over "

"You cant fucking do that."

"Ya? Well I am. Go sleep with Andrea if she does so much for you"


"Leave." I stood there with my arms crossed.

"You know what? Fine. I'll go. You go have fun sleeping with Reggie"

Me and reggie have had a past, we used to date, but now hes practically the only person I have, I used to have Cole too, I guess not.

Colby took a jacket and his keys, then slammed the door on his way out.

He was everything I really even had. Reggie got a girlfriend, and now it seems as Colby has a new one too.

I decided to do him one last favour before he came back. I packed all of his things, into boxes, and I put a note at the bottem of one of the boxes.

Dear Cole,

I love you. I love you so fucking much, but I guess that's too much to ask for from you. You never loved me. Fuck, you led me on for a whole year. I can see how you feel when I tell you i love you.
You look so uncomfortable, I can see it in your eyes.

I guess I never really did anything for you, so all of the hoodies i got you, all of the expensive dinners, all of the late nights we spent together, i guess it was all just nothing to you, but you kept it going.

I hope you realize out of everything there is to be, i saw you as my future, and Reggie, he was barely here. But then again, neither were you. Where even were you? Were you really "out with the boys?" Or were you sucking faces with someone else?

This year, was pretty dumb, but when you were there, with me, I felt like I was in heaven. But I guess it was all just a waste of time.

We fell apart, when it got dark, last thing i remember was being in your arms, theres nothing I can do or say except, I didnt mean to say I love you. I dont want too. But i love you.

Goodbye Cole. I hope you live your life, but in the mean time not waste others time.

If you need me, or wanna see me, well I'm sorry  I guess you can't. I'm gunna talk to one of my other friends about moving in with him. I can't stay here knowing that you know where to reach me, and find me, cause I dont want to see you, ever again.

- Y/n

Sorry cant help me know. And theres nothing that, that asshole can do about it. I'm gunna talk to David, he just moved to a new house, Colbys never been invited over there so, ya. That's where I'm gunna be. I just dont like that feeling that Colby can come get me whenever he'd like, cause I know I would fall back into his arms.

Loving him was like a fairytale But unfortunately all good things come to an end right?


¤Colbys pov¤

What the fuck did I just do. I just fuckung slept with Andrea, but I dont love her, hell I dont even like her, I love y/n.

I got dressed and ignored all of the calls for me. I drove as fast as I could, but when I got back, the apartment was empty, but yet filled with boxes that had my name written on them. 

"Fuck" I whispered. This is really over isnt it.


*1 week later*

I was going through my boxes at my new apartment and I found one with a note, at the very bottom.

I read it and it made my heart ache. That fight was stupid. But when she wrote that I never loved her, my stomach dropped. I did live her, that look in my eyes was just me thinking about how I got so lucky, but now she doesnt even want me around her.

I am so sorry Y/n.

𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒃𝒚 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒌 𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇Where stories live. Discover now