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Last night's events still haven't left my mind. The names John B and Sarah kept replaying in my head and I didn't even know who they were or what happened to them. I could ask Kie but, seeing the reaction that JJ had when these names were mentioned, I figured that it was a touchy subject for all of them.

I woke up really early for no reason so I decided that I was going to organize my closet without making too much noise so that I wouldn't wake Kie up.

I opened the closet that I shared with her and started to fold my clothes correctly instead of having them in a big pile like it was before I decided to tidy my side of the wardrobe. I was opening the drawers to see which ones were empty so that I could put some stuff there when I came across a drawer filled with pictures.
I recognized Kie, Pope and JJ but in most of the pictures there was another boy that I had never seen.

I felt bad for snooping but I couldn't contain myself, the curiosity was eating me. I picked up one of the pictures and flipped it to see if there was a caption or a description in the back, I usually write a little caption for all of my photos but I became disappointed when I saw that there was nothing. I quickly put everything inside and closed the drawer when I heard movement from Kie's bed.

"What are you doing? It's so early!" She mumbled into her pillow after checking the time on her phone.

"Sorry if I woke you up.. I was feeling productive and decided to fold my clothes and put them in place." I said smiling at her.

"It's fine! Let's eat breakfast and then we will go on a boat ride with the boys." She said getting up and going into the bathroom. I released the air off of my lungs that I didn't even notice that I was holding and rested my head on my hands. What am I doing? I can't betray her trust like this..

I got up and changed into something cute but casual with a bikini underneath, a trick that Kie taught me because you never know when you're going for a swim when you live in an island.

Kie pulls up to Pope's house and the guys get in.

"Are we seriously going to use the HMS Pogue? It's his boat!" JJ shoots as soon as he enters the car.

"Hello to you to. I'm fine thanks for asking." Kie said ironically. "He always said that it was our boat and we don't have any other boat to go fishing."

"We haven't even been to his house ever since" JJ cuts himself off and looks at me. "the events" he finishes. More mistery. Great! This guys have so many secrets and I keep getting more and more confused.

"We have to start getting into our normal routine. Don't you miss just laying on the boat not doing anything, just talking and sunbathing?!" Kie questioned losing her temper. I watched as Pope agreed and JJ sighed.

"I do but I miss doing it with John B! It feels wrong when he is not here." He replied, his voice breaking a little. My heart ached to see him like that. He seemed so broken. Whoever John B was... JJ loved him to death.

"Look! I don't know what happened and I'm not going to ask because I can see that you're all still shaken up by it, but if he's not comfortable with getting into that boat, we can go somewhere else." I said smiling at JJ through the rear view mirror.

Kie sighed and agreed to just go to the beach and maybe catch some waves. When we arrived at the beach, I felt a hand on my shoulder when I was taking off my shoes.

"Thanks for what you did in the car. I know you don't understand... it's still pretty recent and we're not ready to talk about it yet." JJ said squeezing my shoulder. I smiled at him and we walked up to the place where Kie and Pope had already placed their towels.

That afternoon a lot changed. I saw JJ smiling for the first time since I got here. He made stupid jokes, he teased me and overall we had fun. He seemed to be opening up to me little by little.

𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐒; JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now