twenty six

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Wednesday rolled around and we decided to go on a boat ride after school. Kie and I were swimming while JJ and Pope were sipping beers on the boat. Topper has been hanging out with us sometimes but he had some stuff to do at home. JJ will never admit it but I know he doesn't find Topper as disgusting as before.

"Kie, you're phone is ringing." Pope called out from the boat.

"Who is it?" She questioned.

"It's a FaceTime call from an unknown number." He answered.

"Holly shit! Do you think it's John B?" She asked climbing onto the boat as quickly as she could.

"Hello?" I heard JJ say once he pressed the accept button.

"Oh my god! It really is you!" Kie gasped. I decided to stay a little longer in the water allowing them to catch up in peace. I felt a little like an intruder.

"We miss you guys so much!" I heard a feminine voice that I assumed was Sarah say.

"We called the chateau first but no one picked up so Sarah got your number from her Apple account." John B explained.

"We're on the HMS, bro!" JJ said, stood up and did a little spin to show the couple our surroundings.

He noticed me awkwardly floating in the water and decided to give the phone back to Pope so that he could pick me up and put me inside the boat.

"You're a pogue now." He whispered in my ear.

"How did you guys get there?" Pope asked.

"Our boat got destroyed and a ship passed by us, noticed us and picked us up. We were with them for around a month because they were on a fishing thing and then they dropped us off on their stop that happened to be The Bahamas." John B explained and I slowly approached the group of friends.

"Where are you staying now?" Kie questioned.

"We lived in a homeless center for a few weeks but 2 weeks ago a friend of Sarah arrived back in the island from her vacations and we are staying with her." John B answered.

"She's a lawyer and she's trying to get us the gold." She added seeming proud.

I finally came into frame and finally saw the couple that was so important to my friends.

"This is Marina, my cousin and the new addition to the pogues." Kie said pushing me to seat next to her after noticing my reluctance.

"It's so nice to meet you!" Sarah squealed. She was so pretty that made me feel insecure.

"How did you meet this airheads?" John B asked.

I noticed beard appearing, something I remember he didn't have in all the photos that I had seen of him.

"Kie is my cousin, I'm living with her." I said smiling.

"She's from Portugal." JJ added placing his hands on top of my shoulders as he was standing behind me.

The conversation unrolled and they spent an hour just talking about what has been happening in their lives since the last time they saw each other. I sat back and just appreciated the happiness plastered on the faces of my friends. They were really close and I just hoped that one day I would have friendship bonds as strong as theirs.

"When are you getting back?" JJ asked.

"We don't know. We have to stay here for now if we want the gold." John B answered and I saw how they all lost a little bit of their excitement.

"We miss you." Kie said.

"We miss you all as well. We will call tomorrow around the same time to talk about more serious stuff." John B replied and they all just nodded. We said our goodbyes and turned off the call.

"They really are ok." Kie said after a few seconds of silence between the group.

"I miss them." Pope stated in a whisper.

"No more emotional crap!" JJ said putting himself in front of us. "They are perfectly fine so we have to celebrate and not be all sad and shit." He added and picked up the cooler throwing a beer at each one of us.

Kie and I jumped back into the water but this time JJ joined in. Pope decided to stay in the boat in case anything came up or one of us got another call. I felt a pair of hands around my waist and allowed him to hug me from behind. It was hard to push him away when I craved him so much.

"That bikini is making me crazy." He whispered in my ear. I blushed a lot and decided to go under the water to cool off my cheeks. "Don't runaway from me, amor." He said snatching my arm and pulling me back to him.

"I just want to swim." I said trying to escape from him.

"You're trying to resist me. That's what you're doing." He said taking a mesh of my hair that was in front of my eyes and putting it behind my ear.

"That's not a hard task. Don't flatter yourself, Maybank."


AN Kind of crappy but hey... John B and Sarah finally appeared

 John B and Sarah finally appeared

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𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐒; JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now