thirty eight

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It was now Wednesday me and my mom didn't really talk about our fight but she didn't seem to be mad at me anymore, I guess the conversation with aunt Anna reassured her, but to be completely honest it's also because we've barely seen each other. With all the extra shifts she was picking, she barely got time to spend at home.
I was getting out of school alone since the rest of the gang had gotten out earlier and were already waiting for me in Pope's place so that we could go on a boat ride.

"Just the person I wanted to see." Someone said from besides me.

I jumped from the unexpected voice and rolled my eyes once I saw that it was Rose.

"Are you following me lady?" I asked continuing my walk but she continued to follow me.

"Turns out that the chateau was never sold and also you didn't show up at your house for 4 days." She said ignoring my question.

"You just came whenever I wasn't home. I was there yesterday." I lied shrugging.

"Oh no sweetheart. I had someone posted at your house the whole time and you didn't step a foot on it since Saturday." She smiled ironically.

"Well that is very creepy." I commented.

"Are you going to tell me what is in fact going on or do you need me to keep digging around until I find out?" She asked and grabbed my arm since she was struggling to keep up with my walk in her pointy heels.

"My momma always told me to not talk with strangers." I smiled sassily.

"You really don't know with who your messing with." She told me in a threatening tone. I was shitting myself internally but I remained with a cocky and confident posture.

"I don't care." I said and stopped on my tracks looking at the little coffe shop. "Are you going to follow me inside as well?" I asked and turned on my heels to enter the cafe to maybe make her stop following me.

She groaned but released my arm and allowed me to go inside. I entered the establishment and watched as she walked back to the school parking lot and drove away.

I sighed in relief but remained inside to really make sure she wasn't still following me. I went to the cakes showcase and picked out something to eat while I was inside, giving the money to the sweet elderly woman that was at the cashier.
I spent 10 minutes eating my food afraid that I would lead the scary lady to my friends and she would get all the answers that she needed.

"Hi pretty lady." I froze at the sound of his voice. Why is this happening to me?

"What do you want from me, Rafe?" I asked annoyed to be disturbed once again by someone from the Cameron family.

𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐒; JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now