Chapter seven

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After class...

Seulgi and Wendy went to the Dean's office as soon as the classes ended.Seulgi didn't bother to knock,she just walk inside and sit on the couch comfortably as well as Wendy crossing her arms.

A badasses indeed.

They didn't even pay respect to the olders whos looking at them.

"So,what's the matter,old man?."-Seulgi asked the Dean boredly.

"Ms.Kang!."-Mr.Kim called her.Seulgi just look at her coldly.

"I don't want this to take too long.I want you two to clean the auditorium.It serves as your punishment."-Wendy and Seugi look at each other .

"But Dean!why?."-Wendy asked looking annoyed.

"For lying to your professor and as a discipline also."

"You can't do this to us Old Man!."-Seulgi prostested.

The Dean look at her intensely.

"Kang Seulgi! I can do whatever I want just to Discipline a spoiled brat like you!And if you still didn't learn your lesson,you'll leave me with no choice,I'll send you to your grandmother as soon as possible.Whether you'll like it or not."-Dean said.

Kang Chae Min,the Dean of K.H university.He is the Grandfather of the troubleMaker Kang Seulgi and Kang Daniel.

Seulgi doesn't want to be sent to U.S living with her strict Grandmother so she has no choice.

"Fine! I'll do it.We'll do it."-Seulgi surrendered rolling her eyes 160 degrees (kidding) and look at Wendy.

"Well,that was a good choice my dear grandchild.You two can proceed now."-Seulgi rolled her eyes once again while Wendy stamping her feet like a kid but she knows she doesn't have a choice anymore.


Wendy took a glance at her wrist watch and widened her eyes when she saw what time it is already.

"What the f*ck! It's already 6:00pm!?."-Wendy can't help but to walk continuously heading their way to the auditorium.

When they're already inside,they search for a thing that could help them to clean.

Wendy pass the mop to Seulgi when she saw it.

"Damn it! I don't know how to use this!."-Seulgi prostested looking at the mop she was holding.She then look at Wendy who was laughing out loud.

"Hahahahaha you're funny Kang!!."-Wendy said between laugh.

"What the h*ck are you laughing at Son?."-Seulgi asked and put her hands in her waist side by side.She looks like an ahjumma.

"Pfft...It's just a simple work to do Kang Seulgi,gosh!you truly are unbelievable.No wonder,you're a spoiled brat! Hahaha...let me show you how."-Wendy pushed Seulgi lightly and grab the mop from Seulgi's grip.

After the little demonstration,Seulgi already learn how to do it and started the work while Wendy was wiping the window.

"How do you know this chores?."-Seulgi asked Wendy while focusing on what she was doing.

"I learned doing house chores when I was 14.My Grandmother teach me since My Mom and Dad doesn't want me to do such thing and Grandma hate that idea...Whos parents doesn't want their kids learn how to do simple chores? Literally,My parents."-Seulgi was just listening to Wendy.She felt that.

Her parents and Wendy's was the same.Only if her Mom agreed on sending her to her GrandMa,maybe she already know how to do it now.But she's also thankful at the same time.

Seulgi just nodded and get back to work when she noticed something in the table.It was a notebook...a diary notebook.

She pick it and Wendy noticed it.

"What's that?-Wendy asked and approched Seulgi.

"A diary notebook."-Seulgi answered while rubbing the Letter S and J engraved in the diary's cover.

"What does that mean?."-Wendy asked while staring at the letters.

Seulgi just shrugged.

"Who knows?."-Seulgi answered and flip the page of the Diary notebook.There was a word written in a bold letter...'BAECHU'.

"Baechu?what a lame nickname."-Wendy said and was about to grab the diary notebook Seulgi was holding when Seulgi suddenly hold her head groaning in pain.

"Arggh!!."-Seulgi groaned.

"Seul,are you ok!!?."-Wendy hysterically asked.

Seulgi calm down when she doesn't feel the pain anymore.

"I'm fine.I think it's because I didn't eat breakfast earlier."-Seulgi answered with a calm voice.

"Ouch! What was that for!?."-Seulgi exclaimed when she earned a smack from Wendy.

"Who told you to skip breakfast Kang Seulgi!?."-Wendy being Wendy asked like an Eomma to Seulgi.

"I'm in hurry remember?."-Seulgi said.

"But still!."-Wendy love her so much to the point that she doesn't want Seulgi to be sick.Seulgi care for Wendy also.

They were in a middle of fighting when someone open the auditorium's door.

Who do you think it was?

Saranghae co-luvies💛💜💚❤️💙

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